Monday, May 16, 2011

female tattoo ideas

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  • Finding Female Tattoo Designs

  • bella92108
    Apr 6, 04:36 PM
    How does "Yes" translate into "will be available soon"? Did I miss/overlook something.

    Ugh, I had seen their facebook post and took it for face value... then I just actually read the link...

    Where does it say 4.3.1? All it says is "YES" not "Yes, Soon"... and not "Yes, Soon, 4.3.1" ... I hate when "tech news" sites assume things just because they want them to be so. How annoying is that. Sure I'm guilty of reading too much into the headline, but it's annoying they wrote the article based on this one word "YES"

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  • Female Tattoo With Japanese

  • bella92108
    Mar 31, 01:00 PM
    yeah, i totally understand what you're saying. android definitely does a lot more straight out of the box than the iphone does. but i guess for me, if i had an android device i'd really like to be able to flash some really cool builds and kernels a lot of the guys at xda-dev release (like we all used to do on the old winmo days) that way i don't have to worry when the manufacturer quits releasing updates after ~6 months and i get stuck on an old os. i just hate the fact those manufacturers are trying to prevent that type of community from doing their thing.

    Well that's kinda hypocritical posting in an Apple forum. Apple tries 100x harder to prevent users from jailbreaking than Android\Manufacturers do try to prevent rooting\modding.

    Either way, I like current technology, so I don't worry about updates after 6 months. I replace my computers every 6 months, and my phones as well. This was one of the reasons I defected from Apple's phones, got tired of waiting for a one-a-year product cycle for a phone that wasn't even the latest and greatest technology.

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  • cute dragon tattoo designs

  • chrono1081
    Feb 27, 12:03 AM
    Hi Macrumors,

    I was wondering if it would be possible to make an "Alternate OS" thread for the tons of Android/Windows/whatever threads that pop up. Its annoying to come to mac rumors and find more Android threads then anything in the iPad section. A lot of these are nothing more than troll threads with masks on.

    By creating an Alternate OS thread if people wanted to yap about Android/Windows/Etc they could go there and keep the other threads clear.

    female tattoo ideas. Labels: best tattoo, female
  • Labels: best tattoo, female

  • sarae
    Sep 11, 11:47 AM
    I was in my dorm's bathroom, getting ready to go to class that day. Some people in the bathroom had heard about the first plane, and were telling us - nothing concrete, I just remember hearing about a plane, and the World Trade Center. I went into the common area, turned the tv on to the news, and saw the replay of the second plane hitting. I didn't quite understand it, and went to class and in every class that day we either listened to the radio (my first class was an art studio, that's how I learned about the third and fourth planes) or the professor talked about it to some extent.

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  • basesloaded190
    Apr 18, 03:07 PM
    I am still using a 3g, how do you think people like me feel ??

    Who's stopping you from upgrading? I'd do it now, get the 4, then be ready for the 6 next year!

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  • Female Upper Back Tattoo

  • The Catalyst
    Apr 1, 03:47 AM
    It will only save whatever shsh files Apple's currently signing (and right now that's only the 4.3.1 file).

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  • Labels: FEMALE, tattoo designs

  • Mitthrawnuruodo
    Jan 12, 07:27 AM
    ...or, as I did, just enable time zone support in iCal and make an event on the 15th from 0900-1030 PST with alarm set to go off 15 minutes before (or whatever warning time you need). ;)

    Nice overview, though. :)

    female tattoo ideas. Female Tattoo Designs
  • Female Tattoo Designs

  • ken1964
    Mar 10, 07:18 PM
    Hopefully it doesn't rain.

    Cool, I'll update soon. Probably leaving in 20 minutes for Walmart to buy some supplies then off to the Apple store.

    Yea, it is really Windy in Brigham City now and the Weather report says 70% Precipitation and a chance of Snow tonight with freezing temps.

    This is going to play into the "Tonight or Tomorrow" showing up. It's so difficult to decide, Need to bring a Portable heater if I do. :confused:

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  • There many tattoo design which

  • Shagrat
    Oct 9, 02:27 AM
    The follow-up to that statement is usually "soccer is for wimps"

    Then try Rugby instead! Like American football without stopping the game every 10 seconds, and without all the body armour!:D

    female tattoo ideas. Female Tattoo Gallery – Photos
  • Female Tattoo Gallery – Photos

  • Timisone
    Apr 27, 04:53 PM
    Where is Geohot? Thats what we need.

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  • Tattoo Ideas Men.

  • DoFoT9
    Feb 5, 04:39 PM
    after one listen, i quite like it! 4-stars!

    the verse does sort of sound like LoG.

    the chorus reminds me of Chimaira.

    im gonna download the album, thanks for the thread :D

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  • Rasacampa | Tribal Cat Female

  • Philalbe
    Dec 17, 10:21 AM
    Many of them will have inhouse teams to develop their bits and pieces.

    Considering lead and production times, I would have also thought that large-scale holiday-specific artwork production would need to be signed off in June-August in order to accommodate any special repro processes and finishing... and then getting product to point of sale.

    So, if this idea appeals to you, try aiming for next year and put together a lo-res sample sheet to try some cold calls with... but don't get your hopes up, there could be other more productive and lucrative ways to further your career.

    Hi. Thanks for the thoughtful reply. I too was thinking a lot of that type of work is probably done in-house. I suppose I could just make it a side hobby; something to help keep my vector skills sharp and maybe it will even yield some possible portfolio pieces? Thanks again:)



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  • cool tattoo ideas

  • DakotaGuy
    Aug 7, 06:24 PM
    So with WMP gone and now VPC gone, the only MAJOR software developed for Macs by Microsoft is Office?

    Let's just hope they don't decide to kill office. Sure, I know there are lots of alternatives out there, but you try telling that to Mr. idiot joe-average boss.

    Yeah, Office will stay. They said they are committed for at least 5 more years. Office is probably the only Mac software they develop and actually make a decent profit on.

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  • Free Designs Tattoo For Female

  • GeeYouEye
    Dec 31, 12:59 AM
    No more MacApps forum links?

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  • mikebatho
    Aug 15, 07:53 PM
    OK then, a little advice.

    What would be a good looking way to get an ad out to clients....

    Just something quick. I don't want anything fancy or interactive, just something I can fire off in an email....


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  • lower back tattoos designs

  • Timisone
    Apr 27, 04:52 PM
    I can't believe people actually fell for it =/

    His videos for one could have been 10 seconds long, start cydia, show the bottom lines, done. Not to arse about for 2 minutes filming the edges of the iPad and showing multitouch gestures - yet stops swiping the screen before he gets to cydia.

    Even the audio tracks in both of his videos were a dead give away...

    Glad I didn't fall for it. The size of the file looked to small plus, I was reading twitter peeps saying it was fake.

    female tattoo ideas. Labels: best tattoo, female
  • Labels: best tattoo, female

  • iJohnHenry
    Mar 8, 09:55 AM
    Oh, and 5P has left the building, for an undermined amount of time. ;)

    I read a post somewhere that said 5P had left us.

    Is that true? That would be so sad. :(

    As someone once said, "He may be a bastard, but he's our bastard."

    Probably 3 days, if my experience is to be trusted. ;)

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  • With sexy wrist tattoo designs

  • dyn
    May 1, 04:48 PM
    Use Console (it's in the Utilities folder in Applications) and search for events (you want to search in the "All Messages" log). By default it will show everything just like event viewer does but unlike event viewer it allows you to search for something specific. This will narrow down the list tremendously. On the commandline you'd do something similar with tools like grep, tail, head, view, less, etc.

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  • Celebrity Tattoo Design on

  • MacTech68
    May 1, 07:12 PM
    and I almost said "switcher" , the pre-curser to multifinder.......we all remember using that right??

    Egad! I still remember ye olde "Finder" vs "Multi-Finder".

    Ford BA Falcon history (

    Feb 16, 06:40 AM
    I hide it instead of minimizing, as was suggested earlier. Works well, Mail takes up almost NO processor while hidden.

    Only bad thing - when composing a new message (from the dock), it automatically brings Mail to the front, although I don't want it to.

    Mar 8, 03:56 PM
    All stores will sell the ipad 2 at 5PM local time.

    Dec 31, 06:34 AM
    Originally posted by rdowns
    Sign me up as a contributor. Couldn't find out where to do that. But please, I don't want to be known as a demi-god, I'll stick with my lowly rating. ;)

    Mar 20, 08:43 AM

    Thats basically what Charlie said on his twitter, which is that the exploit doesn't work on 4.3

    Apr 12, 07:47 AM
    My father works here, so I have no idea.

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