Saturday, June 4, 2011

Hansika to the rescue . .

Hansika is shooting for OKOK in Madurai. En route to her hotel, she witnessed a man lying by the side of a road. He had met with a bike accident and was bleeding heavily but there was no one to help. Her driver also drove right on, but the actress made him turn the car back.

One of the pedestrians was asked to telephone the nearest hospital. Hansika waited till the ambulance arrived on the scene. Her mother being a doctor went with the victim in the ambulance while Hansika followed them in her car.

Doctors treated the patient at once and only on being informed that his condition was stable, did Hansika leave. Her timely help saved the man’s life as he had already lost a lot of blood and would have surely died without medical aid. It is commendable what she did today. Good citizens of this country would do well to follow her example and help those in need. Truly Hansika is a heroine in real life as well.

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