Thursday, June 2, 2011

jane lynch hot

jane lynch hot. Lea Michele and Jane Lynch
  • Lea Michele and Jane Lynch

  • sillyrabbitt
    Apr 12, 06:35 PM
    figured it out! Splashtop rules! Love it!!

    jane lynch hot. Jane Lynch picture gallery
  • Jane Lynch picture gallery

  • Ozix
    May 6, 11:53 PM
    Hey all,

    Long time listener first time caller, err I mean poster. I bought my first MacBook Pro (early 17", 2.3GHz, 8GB ram, anti-glare) in March and absolutely love it! Anyway the new iMacs were announced (as I'm sure everyone is aware of lol) and I started thinking about getting an iMac as my main machine and selling my 17" MBP. I'm currently deployed to Afghanistan so this wouldn't be until July when we get back, but a friend is ready to buy my 17, in fact we've already worked out a good price for both us of :D

    So now the only thing left to decide is, do I get the 2.7GHz 13 inch, or the 2.0GHz 15 inch. I priced the 13" at $1748 ($1499 base + $249 AppleCare) versus the 15" (lower end model) at $2298 ($1799 base + $150 for hi-res anti-glare + $349 AppleCare). I'm gonna upgrade the RAM and HDDs myself, (getting an OptiBay, 256GB c300, and 750GB Scorpio Black for the new laptop too lol) so the cost for that is gonna be the same regardless of which model I get. I also like the idea of being able to just walk into an Apple Store and leaving with my new laptop, do they normally stock the hi-res anti-glare 15"?

    I'd mostly be using the laptop while traveling (or deploying again lol), I use Aperture regularly (check out my Photography site at and may occasionally use Final Cut Express. Am I gonna miss the real estate on a 13" MBP, especially coming from a 17"? Also is the dedicated graphics, extra screen and quad core worth $550 over the 13?

    Thanks for taking a look!

    552nd Military Police Co - U.S. Army
    Kandahar, Afghanistan - OEF '10-'11

    jane lynch hot. Jane Lynch: Hot
  • Jane Lynch: Hot

  • George Knighton
    Mar 9, 05:17 PM
    Have you tested with 4.3 to see if it works with the update? I'd be interested, since I might actually buy the connector if it does.

    That is a very good idea. I will try to remember to test that.

    jane lynch hot. Jane Lynch#39;s cover of the
  • Jane Lynch#39;s cover of the

  • amacgenius
    Dec 20, 03:05 PM
    Colin over at replaced a few things in his PB, which involved opening it up, maybe this article ( can help.


    jane lynch hot. red carpet, jane lynch
  • red carpet, jane lynch

  • mnkeybsness
    Nov 6, 09:08 PM
    if you can open them with another program like you said, you may want to resave and make backups NOW!

    jane lynch hot. Jane Lynch: Emmy Awards Host?
  • Jane Lynch: Emmy Awards Host?

  • Markleshark
    Oct 20, 04:59 AM
    You spelled "soon" wrong... :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: I'm so confused. lol

    Theres your first one ATD. :rolleyes: :D


    jane lynch hot. Jane Lynch
  • Jane Lynch

  • Ommid
    Apr 22, 01:21 PM
    Problem is the fans on this model are on the base, try keeping it off the floor

    jane lynch hot. Sylvester (Jane Lynch).
  • Sylvester (Jane Lynch).

  • Solafaa
    Nov 4, 03:59 PM
    I have 3 23" apple (new) monitors (office, home, 2nd home). They are great, i ordred them as soon as i could and i am very happy with them. In my office i use it with my XP desktop and its wonderfull.


    jane lynch hot. Jane Lynch
  • Jane Lynch

  • pyounderfire
    Apr 24, 01:21 AM
    ok... I will try that and post my findings on this thread in the late morning or early afternoon sometime today.


    jane lynch hot. w/ Jane Lynch and Kassem G
  • w/ Jane Lynch and Kassem G

  • hoosierxhoosier
    Feb 14, 12:33 PM
    My last thread was closed, I wasn't finished with my questions :(.

    Everyone says there have not been any viruses written for OS X.

    My friend has said,"Yes they do get viruses idiot!"

    And gave me these links and said "theres your proof"


    jane lynch hot. Jane Lynch as Sue Sylvester in
  • Jane Lynch as Sue Sylvester in

  • bennetsaysargh
    Jan 9, 09:14 PM
    also, if people got wise about how for 199 you can have all the loops offered in the jampacks for garageband, that might be a funky thing. oh well, i guess it had to go. nothing really that good about it.

    jane lynch hot. Jane Lynch on #39;SNL#39; –
  • Jane Lynch on #39;SNL#39; –

  • Intell
    Dec 12, 10:31 PM
    Force it into DFU Mode (Google it) when it's at the Apple logo, then rerun redsn0w on it.


    jane lynch hot. Jane Lynch: Hot - 4 (World
  • Jane Lynch: Hot - 4 (World

  • qawes
    Oct 16, 09:03 AM
    This is another cool site with loads of HD wallpapers in different res.

    jane lynch hot. Jane Lynch
  • Jane Lynch

  • JasonGough
    Sep 23, 11:42 AM
    I just order my new 250 GB Seagate SATA from Newegg this morning

    have you recieved it yet? tell us how it is :)


    jane lynch hot. Jane Lynch in quot;Gleequot;
  • Jane Lynch in quot;Gleequot;

  • Legion93
    Apr 23, 10:48 AM
    Try resetting your Mac's PRAM and NVRAM:

    If this does not work, try resetting the SMC of your MBP:

    This should solve the issue, so far I've not experience any issues with 6.7

    jane lynch hot. Jane Lynch thinks I#39;m hot.
  • Jane Lynch thinks I#39;m hot.

  • theSeb
    Apr 27, 04:26 PM
    Just so you know there are no military applications that benefit from this.

    Where is the laugh out loud smiley?


    jane lynch hot. #Jane Lynch middot; #AfterEllen Hot
  • #Jane Lynch middot; #AfterEllen Hot

  • flosseR
    Mar 21, 02:26 AM
    Hi, thanks for the responses.about the canon lenses: I use Nikon so my lenses are all black. In terms of throwing the lenses around, well I do go on travel and I do go out in the woods etc. so yes my lenses do see action and they do get small hits here and there. My old sigma 70-200 had some scratches because it fell on the ground. So yes I have seen damage to the lenses in that respect.

    In terms of the lens coats, they look like they fit well but I have seen professional photographers using self adhesive tape as a layer of protection. So no glue residue left as you take it off but still that looks even worse than the lens coat :)

    I'll have to re-think what I will do....

    jane lynch hot. Jane Lynch Heckles News Corp
  • Jane Lynch Heckles News Corp

  • 87racer
    May 1, 10:28 PM
    Log into another fresh account. Make sure it works there. Then delete your actual account's finder preferences. That should do it.

    Didn't work for me. I also see this on two different 10.7 installs. Using the keyboard shortcuts or the menu bar to arrange by still works just no right click.
    See screenshot for list of keyboard shortcuts.

    jane lynch hot. Glee star Jane Lynch has
  • Glee star Jane Lynch has

  • macrumorsuser10
    Apr 17, 05:52 PM
    I just bought a new MacBook Air Ultimate, and it seems to wobble a bit. The wobbling seems to occur when the lid is fully up because the front left foot pad does not make any contact with the surface of my glass desk. What can I do about this wobble? Is it a problem with the foot pad or the entire body?

    Can the guys at the Genius Bar fix this, or should I exchange it?


    Apr 7, 09:18 AM
    Don't have a fave computer manufacturer since I build my own computers, but I do like Intel CPU's.

    Drink: Coca Cola, Volvic
    Jeans: Levi
    TV and video equipment: Sony
    MP3 player: Apple
    Headphones: Sony
    Consoles: Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft (most used to least)
    Game developers: Nintendo, Game Freak, Valve, Square Enix, Konami
    Camera: Canon
    Bus: First Bus
    Bird: Sparrow
    Vacuum: Dyson
    Pillow: anything foam
    Cold medicine: Covonia
    Hayfever nasal spray: Nasonex
    Light chocolate: Nestle Kitkat
    Heavy chocolate: Cadbury (preferably Dairy Milk)
    Mining corporation: Jupiter Mining Corporation
    Mouse: Razer
    Controller: Microsoft
    Keyboard (midi): Roland
    Guitar: Gibson

    Jun 29, 11:39 AM
    Yeah. under the iChat prefs. it says 'mic enabled'. I guess i'll have to try a self powered mic, because I know this mic i have works, i tried it out on my roommates PC.:confused:

    Another quick question, does anyone know if any USB camera (for net chat) will work with the Powermac? Or do i need something special for that as well>?:confused:


    Jan 10, 12:08 PM
    Bad link.

    Jun 22, 08:05 PM
    how much for shipping the socks?

    $4, PM me if interested.

    Apr 8, 10:59 AM
    i end up JB twice using pwnage tool as the first time was full of bugs

    much more stable now and all my cydia apps i need on a dialy vasis are working fine

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