Monday, May 30, 2011

fast five wiki

fast five wiki. Fast Five Wiki Images:
  • Fast Five Wiki Images:

  • holder10
    Apr 25, 12:28 PM
    Did anyone else notice the apparent lack of a search icon next to the homescreen page indicator?

    It does kinda remind me of this:

    This was proven to be an older build of iOS4 though, so I'm not sure what to make out of it. :/

    fast five wiki. fast five trailer song.
  • fast five trailer song.

  • cwedl
    Jul 24, 05:55 AM

    fast five wiki. Fast Five Wiki: Lurker - Metro
  • Fast Five Wiki: Lurker - Metro

  • SeaFox
    Oct 28, 11:23 PM
    A) It's not the OSS community that's trying to crack Apple's DRM. Lets get that straight. These people have nothing to do with that community. These guys are just pirates using the source that is out there.

    That's true. But they are the ones who are going bellyache continually about Apple not having the software available anymore. "Why can't I get the Darwin source code?" "This is unfair, they used BSD stuff and now they aren't sharing!" "Why haven't they released 10.4.9?" (when it comes out)

    They aren't going to look at it from Apple's perspective. They aren't going to say. "Well, gee thanks Apple for trying to share the software with us. We're sorry you're getting screwed over by Wintel hackers who are too cheap to just buy a Mac." They're going too say. Well, we're sorry that's happening but you have to just put up with it as part of having your stuff available. They'll make Apple out to be evil when this is all a reactionary measure. Apple wants to release Darwin as open source, otherwise they could have just released the first version and then closed the source after that (they can legally do that, just because it was open source and you released it once doesn't mean you have to keep doing it). Apple would never be able to use any newer BSD components after that, they would begin maintaining their software as a fork pretty much. They only pulled it because someone keeps hacking to run it on plain beige box Wintels. And the OSS people aren't going to look at those hackers as the ones responsible for the source being pulled.

    Many OSS people are the free as in speech types, but I feel most are a combination of the free as in speech and as in beer types. They wants software to be free for use and they don't think it should have a pricetag attached. These are the ones always saying Apple should have to release Aqua too just because the Darwin part of OSX is released.

    Oh ****! Thanks Apple! Now, how am I supposed to get Mac OS X to run on my old Linux box?

    See? There they are now. "Oh, ****! Thanks Apple!" Who's fault is it the source was pulled again?

    fast five wiki. Fast Five Wiki: Four and
  • Fast Five Wiki: Four and

  • lmalave
    Oct 19, 10:44 AM
    Well my 1300 shares will become 2600 in less than an year.:D Apple will keep going up and up as long the economy does not tank.:)

    Showoff ;)

    You're basically bragging that you have $100K in Apple stock. Nice!!!! :D Your faith is being rewarded handsomely...

    fast five wiki. Fast Five Wiki: MBT 70 part 2
  • Fast Five Wiki: MBT 70 part 2

  • sososowhat
    Sep 28, 06:52 PM
    Larry Ellison's's place on Mountain Home Rd, also in Woodside, is an unbelievable extravagance -- quite the opposite of Jobs'.

    I believe the place is built entirely without nails, using old Japanese techniques. He brought in 3750 tons of hand-chisled granite, and 5000 tons of boulders, and moved 81,000 cubic yards of earth for his estate. I haven't been in, but it's intriguing from the gate-house.

    -- Bridges and pathways lead to a teahouse, moon pavilion, guesthouse, bridge house, boathouse, barn and "Katsura house," a made-in-Japan near replica of a famous teahouse built as part of a royal compound of the same name in Kyoto, Japan, in the early 1600s.
    -- The project: Transform 23 acres in Woodside into Japanese-style imperial villa with 10 hand-crafted buildings, bridges, manicured gardens, ponds, waterfalls and islands.

    -- Price tag: Reportedly approaching $100 million, up from $40 million estimate in 1996, with two years to go.

    Jobs' current place in Palo Alto is similarly modest to his new one -- though a little less private: You can often see him inside, and occasionally picking apples in the yard.

    fast five wiki. Fast Five Wiki: Super Smash
  • Fast Five Wiki: Super Smash

  • ZilogZ80
    Mar 17, 06:32 AM
    You're classy.

    I hope karma greets you tomorrow morning with a swift kick in the mouth.
    Not to condone OP's actions in any way, but karma isn't real.
    People should conduct themselves according to their moral code, not out of fear that the universe will somehow reward or punish them. This is the 21st century, it's time mankind grew up and took some personal responsibility. There is no "higher power" judging our actions.

    fast five wiki. fast five cast photos. machine
  • fast five cast photos. machine

  • rdowns
    Apr 21, 11:46 AM

    What are we to do with people who will abuse of this new feature?

    How will you know who is abusing it. I mean, I'll probably always give you -1 but how will you know? :p

    fast five wiki. fast five film wikipedia the
  • fast five film wikipedia the

  • TPFolair
    Sep 12, 07:54 AM
    hate to ask a stupid, perhaps already answered a gagillion times, question but

    is there a live feed of today's proceedings?

    fast five wiki. elsa pataky wiki.
  • elsa pataky wiki.

  • BBEmployee
    Apr 8, 06:50 PM
    Did you write this on your shift at BB? :p

    Really, I saw this post and went :eek:! This guy has a lot to share and started to ignore, but a couple things caught my eye and read it.

    It was an interesting perspective on BB from the inside. Not to far off from what I would expect. BB and other retailers are really in a pickle these days. Margins keep dropping and there is tons of competition on the Web to buy most anything at a discount.

    Even the new stove I just bought. Shopped Sears, BB, Home Depot, and others... found what I liked, then went on the web to see what the real price was. Then went to the local guy and asked him to match the lowest price and he did. Best Buy and Sears can't negotiate, but the guy down the street will.

    Best Buys and others have really become a place I go to touch and play with technology and then I go buy it somewhere else.

    BTW... no offense, but employees at my local BB seem lost. I've heard tons of misinformation at mine. So I assume mine might have one of those questionable managers. :)

    It's tough to keep good employees. My store pays well, but I honestly think the only reason they have a good staff is because they give smart people a lot of freedom. Things are loose between staff and management, they're flexible on hours and allow us to stay on the light end. We've got a lot of post-college guys like myself who knew-tech heading in with other full-time "real jobs" that come in once or twice a week still to Best Buy, because we're paid pretty well for retail (sales staff averages around $12-13/hour), we get that discount and we don't get hassled because management knows the score with us. It's worked well for us in terms of all those little numbers on the Matrix.

    But if you switched out the management with some of the other stores I've seen, you'd instantly have 50-75% of the staff dropping off 2-week notices and be stuck hiring and training guys who probably don't know much coming in. Again, like just about anything, good management is huge in the equation.

    fast five wiki. Fast five film wikipedia the
  • Fast five film wikipedia the

  • jessica.
    Jan 15, 04:37 PM
    Well considering I just bought a 30" ACD less than 6 months ago I do believe I'm happy there were no updates. I would have bought at that time regardless but it always makes us feel better right?
    Could care less about the silly MacBook Air but I am not in the market for another portable.
    I think the best is the Apple TV. I mean seriously. They did all that and didn't require you to get new hardware. Good one for Apple.

    fast five wiki. Fast Five Wiki: House of
  • Fast Five Wiki: House of

  • SimonTheSoundMa
    Sep 25, 04:03 PM
    I suppose there could be a bit of news here for non-photographers.

    As I understand it, Aperture uses OS X's built-in RAW image processing. If I remember rightly, the last Aperture update accompanied an OS X update. So it's possible 10.4.8 could be just around the corner (i.e. sometime this week?)
    It still is pretty poor with compatibility when it comes to RAW. For example, it still can't read white balance from the meta data on RAW files off Canon cameras. Great!

    Aperture's development also is going slow. Apple pulling out the software?

    Perhaps all the developers are spending too much time on Leopard and Logic 8 at the moment.

    fast five wiki. Fast Five Wiki: Bobo the Fish
  • Fast Five Wiki: Bobo the Fish

  • Preclaro_tipo
    Mar 28, 03:32 PM
    I never said it was perfect. If you have many apps as I do that DON'T have automatic updates then it is a royal pain in the ass to go to their site(assuming you even know where it is), download it again, unpackage the dmg, and place it in my applications folder. Sure, if you only have a few apps then it isn't THAT bad but I have upwards to 20 apps that I have to do this with. It's a chore. With the Mac App Store I can take a quick glance, click update all if there are any updates and be done with it.

    If I understand some of you on this thread correctly then it is my opinion that you've missed the point, slightly.

    I don't think that the merits or demerits of the mac app store are the core point here. The store may be good, excellent, bad, poor, draconian, onerous or whatever but Apple is going to award programming and application awards to only those apps that are distributed through their application store.

    Even if you think the store is great, hell even if the store IS GREAT, don't you also feel that it isn't the ONLY way to get quality, well made applications.

    Apple is only promoting application which it profits from AND which conform to its Terms of Service.

    The offensive part for me is just how unapologetic they seem to be showing bias for what makes them money, not with what may be driving the platform or solving user needs/wants.

    I anticipate that some may remind me about Apple's responsibility to shareholders and about being a profitable business and therefore say that it is obvious that they support the apps from which they make a profit. I just think that is an oversimplification of situation and I think this does more to hurt the image of the platform, rather than improve it. It does more to hurt developer interest than it does improve developer interest in the mac platform. Long term, I'd rather see them building an enthusiasm for their products (including the mac app store) for their own merits.

    fast five wiki. Dominic Toretto - The Fast and
  • Dominic Toretto - The Fast and

  • MagnusVonMagnum
    Apr 29, 03:19 PM
    I sure as hell wouldnt move back to Windows for my everyday machine. I would move back to my Commodore 64 before that. :)

    I wouldn't necessarily move to Windows for my everyday machine. Linux isn't too bad these days except for the lack of commercial software. It may end up being the OS of choice some day simply out of pure distaste for closed systems.

    Uh huh. Then just jailbreak this hypothetical Mac, or buy the developer Mac that's going to be needed to make software for the iOS Mac.

    What effect would 'needing' to jailbreak have on the Mac software market? How many developers will want to bother? How many more will bother after Apple refuses to carry their software on the App store for various reasons? (e.g. it competes with something made by Apple; they don't like the adult theme; it's not politically correct enough, etc. etc.)

    This will happen eventually, but not just with Apple. All commercial OS's will go "closed". But not in 2-3 years, more like 10-15 or so. Your only chance for an open OS will be stuff like Linux then.

    Anyway, I've already said too much. :)

    It'll only happen if people put up with it. The only way to voice your opinion sometimes in a capitalistic society is to simply walk away and not buy/put up with the offending product. I don't like Windows, but I wouldn't like the closed/app store only system on OSX proper either. Linux would be fine if they would standardize a few areas and get some commercial developers on-board (but a good part of that community doesn't like commercial anything).

    That's impressive. You've shown you don't understand business, software engineering, or computer engineering, all in one paragraph.


    All you've shown me is you are as utterly clueless as they come. :cool:

    Software and computer engineering have zero to do with anything I said, BTW. The business angle of combining iOS with OSX proper is subjective to say the least since we have not seen a market reaction to it yet. In other words, I don't know what you've been smoking, but where can I get some? :p

    fast five wiki. Fast Five Wiki: MBT 70 part 2
  • Fast Five Wiki: MBT 70 part 2

  • ezekielrage_99
    Jan 9, 04:59 PM
    i expect a new iphone(yes i do).the current iphone i think sucks i rather buy a nokia/sony ericson.
    a new mbp.ore even bether i really want that new ultraportebole with nice penryn to go.
    and what about that blueray?after warner has gone for the kill in toshibas heart and the theory microsoft just want chaos in blueray/hd sales so they can sell downloaded movies from the internett-maybe apple likes that theory as well ?would not suprise me.
    And if they update the macpro why dont they update the cinema displays?(look at the name "cinema" displays you really expect something juicy with that name)
    but like allways apple are allways interestet in proclaming that there products state of the art some of the products are.But if the product are state of the art - the product often speaks for it selfs..and if you are interested in a new fancy screen with that macpro check out the dell glass screen thats really something.
    'And what about that games?why cant apple/steve jobs close the deal with more gamedesigners so that mac/appleusers can stop playing on windows on ther mac(never gonna hapend i supouse)...
    dont allways wait for apple thats my tip but i really expect something groundbreaking to hapend inn MWSF - if not i would be just as shocking(thypical apple)...

    Whoah... I can't make heads nor tales of this post, it's unreadable.

    fast five wiki. Fast Five Wiki: Vida Guerra
  • Fast Five Wiki: Vida Guerra

  • chrmjenkins
    Dec 13, 07:51 PM
    And if you're wrong and it's announced in January? ;)

    I don't see that happening. It's just not how Apple works.

    fast five wiki. is where Fast Five begins.
  • is where Fast Five begins.

  • maflynn
    Apr 9, 03:54 PM
    My big question is... How is MS going to maintain strict control and ownership of a UNIX core?

    What Unix core? :confused: MS did not turn windows into unix, so its baffling that you would post any unix comments.

    The additions while you deride them are welcome, and yes, in many instances they did copy OSX.

    Also though they're adding more functionality, more then what you can say about apple and Lion. What is its major feature - making it more like an iPad :confused:

    Microsoft leap frogged apple with windows 7, it has more functionality, better ui and is faster. Aero Peek for instance is one awesome feature.

    I was hoping that apple would provide some meaty updates with 10.7 especially given the anemic update that 10.6 was.

    fast five wiki. fast five movie 2011.
  • fast five movie 2011.

  • pcharles
    May 2, 01:32 PM
    Because it took them 7 years to get it right.

    I assume you are joking because the truth is even worse! The seven has nothing to do with anything much at all. It is not the seventh version of windows, nor have they been working on it seven years.

    Maybe it is the age of the developers cat! I wonder if Microsoft Cat is like Shr�dinger's Cat. It is both running and crashed at the same time!

    fast five wiki. the fast five wallpaper.
  • the fast five wallpaper.

  • brogers
    Sep 9, 04:07 PM
    That's so sad. Kanye stood up and put himself on the line by expressing something that needed to be said. America "the land of the free, say whatever you want, unless it upsets people" Kanye West has made himself a hero to all the people that were stranded on their rooftops, by directly challenging the administration, in a way that was blatant and obvious. No beating around the BUSH "He doesn't care about any of YOU" Bush didn't cut his vacation short for a few days into the tradgedy, Personally I think Bush is the anti-Christ and I am so glad that I got the hell out of the States and moved (right after he got re elected)

    Those football fans are pathetic, If all those fans had the balls to do what Kanye did.....

    it's a sad day to be an NFL fan. too bad i am one of them, but I would have been applauding as loud as I could.

    This is unbelievable. A hurricane comes through, wipes out a city built in a bowl with thousands of people that were poor and black left stranded and that equates into Bush hating black people. We were unprepared at all levels to deal with this. Shame on us. If Tim Mcgraw had used his speaking moment to shout "those people should also help themselves" he would be crucified. I'm not ashasmed that our country was unprepared to deal with this, I'm ashamed that our country has shown the world that it is easier to call names and and blame our president. Never mind the millions of Americans that have stepped up to offer help and support. It must be easier to stand up on television and use your status to make bold statements that simply are not true. Also, if that mayor was white and sent thousands of people to the superdome with no supplies and no plan....there would be no need to blame the president....blame would go no further than right there....He should be taking the heat too.

    But wait. What I'm saying is not politically correct.....BS

    fast five wiki. fast five cars from the movie.
  • fast five cars from the movie.

  • hazza.jockel
    Nov 16, 09:36 AM
    I bought the normal addition a few days back and have just finished the campaign but also played a few rounds of multiplayer and zombies.

    IMO it is way better then W@W but not better maybe even worse then MW2.
    I think i just prefer modern guns compared to old style weapons.

    The campaign is well thought out and has a good story line. Only down side is a couple of glitches i stumbled upon. For example in the level where you drive the gun boat down the river after i got out the sound of the M60(or whatever machine gun is on the boat) stayed on and was way louder then everything else. Even when i died it stayed on. really frustrating.

    The top-down zombie mode is pure awesome.

    Apr 25, 02:52 PM
    I don't see it. Holding my iPhone at nearly the same angle and about the same distance they look identical.

    You're holding it wrong.

    Oct 6, 04:34 PM
    As a fan of Japanese architecture and minimalism myself, this is a refreshing idea to read about. Nothing beats a mix of modern and Japanese architecture.

    Mar 18, 07:36 PM
    "does your phone have a removable battery?"

    um... yes. it's definitely removable. apple will happily do that over swapping the phone if it's required. i've had it done and it meant i could keep all of my data.

    and yes, you could do it yourself if you bought a battery and had a screwdriver.

    Jul 22, 04:25 PM
    Apple is doing what they need to do to defend themselves against the smear job put out by the haters in the media and tech sites aligned against them.

    You would fight back to if it were your....well you probably wouldnt.

    The 'haters'? Are you serious? So anyone that DARES to show a sign of critisism towards Apple is labelled a hater now? "If you are not for us you are against us". Some people have a personal reality distortion field I tell you. It's only a phone man, it's not like the Sun is collapsing on itself.

    Nov 16, 04:22 PM
    Maybe the AMD laptops are coming today :eek:

    The store is currently down... interesting! :D

    I have a test so tell me what the updates are when I get back. :p

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