Saturday, May 28, 2011

Ryan Reynolds cant cope with his divorce

The hot star has admitted that filing for legal separation from the actress -whom he was married to for two years - in December has caused him "a lot of pain" which he is still trying to "come out" of.

He explained: "Anyone who gets divorced goes through a lot of pain but you come out of it. I'm not out of it yet. At all."

However, the 34-year-old star says he was lucky to have the "luxury" of parting with Scarlett - who is now dating actor Sean Penn - on good terms.

He said: "Departing a relationship and still maintaining the idea that this is still the same person I married is a great luxury that I experienced. Thankfully I was in a relationship where two people chose to remain on the high road in every regard."

Now Ryan is trying to remain positive and although he thinks he won't get married again, he knows he may change his mind in the future.

He told Details magazine: "I don't think I want to get married again, but you always reevaluate these things. Any kind of crisis can be good. It wakes you up. I gotta say, I'm a different person than I was six months ago."

Whether he does meet another potential wife in the future or not, Ryan says he is remaining single for now because he finds the idea of being with someone else "alien".
He said: "I have no interest in dating right now. It just seems so kind of alien to me at this point. I've been in relationships pretty much since high school.

"I'm very happy not to be in a relationship right now. That's okay. I didn't plan on it, that's for sure ... but that's okay."

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