Tuesday, May 31, 2011

world map with countries outlined

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  • this is funah
    Sep 12, 08:13 AM
    i just hope that iTunes 7 has better video handling... the video podcasts tend to overload the CPU, making me just open them in QT

    world map with countries outlined. world map with countries and
  • world map with countries and

  • Thanatoast
    Apr 20, 03:56 PM
    Patting down children is ridiculous. Anyone who's angry enough to blow up their own child on an airplane isn't going to be deterred by what we all sarcastically refer to as TSA "security".

    How about we stop giving people reasons for blowing up planes? That would be easier and cheaper, but would also require an unwanted soul-searching moment for our entire society.

    world map with countries outlined. world map with countries
  • world map with countries

  • true777
    Sep 29, 12:42 AM
    Man, that is a crummy little house by Silicon Valley standards if I ever saw one. I live in the neighboring town (Portola Valley), which is essentially the same as Woodside, and hence know many homes in the area (including the one I live in). And by current standards around here, not having a private bathroom for EACH bedroom, and a LARGE closet, is pretty substandard. Also, to only have *1* walk-in in the master rather than 2 is not good. No home theater? Large gym with panoramic views? Sauna/steam room/? Sun room? Library? Detached guest suite or guest house (in-law/nanny quarters, etc.)? Swimming pool? Hot tub? This honestly doesn't look like a place where a man of his caliber would be living full-time. Of course his house in Palo Alto isn't huge, either, but at least it is charming, historic, enchanted.

    He has a number of kids, so I'm not sure how they would all fit into this small space with their friends when, e.g., everyone comes home for summers, holidays, etc. Typical houses for higher level people in the Woodside area would have at least 6-7 bedrooms, a bathroom for each bedroom, plus several additional half bathrooms, and probably about 10,000 squ. ft.

    Only thing that makes sense to me is that he would view this as his retirement house since it'll only be done ~5 years, anyway. And I suppose for retirement people like to keep it small and simple. That would make sense to me and might hint at when he might be planning on retiring.

    world map with countries outlined. world map with countries
  • world map with countries

  • tjhilder
    May 2, 04:03 PM
    Hopefully it'll fix the bug I get when I want to have a song on repeat, seems to ignore the first song played and then it works on the second :(


    world map with countries outlined. world map outline countries.
  • world map outline countries.

  • Santabean2000
    Oct 6, 05:17 AM
    Get out and see the world? I was born and raised in Europe, have been to 50 countries and have lived on 3 continents. And you? And I much enjoy living on a 5-acre property with 2 houses on it offering 9 bedrooms and 10 bathrooms and all the bells and whistles next to Woodside. To me space is just a great luxury, not bumping into one another, being able to house grown kids and friends for extended periods of time, etc. To each their own, but I truly cannot see Jobs' tiny home (by Woodside standards) being anything but a retirement house. It does NOT look like a home for a family with kids. An older couple perhaps. And where is the home office?

    Been to 50 countries, and clearly haven't seen a thing.

    I'm currently living in South East Asia. Every day here is a humbling experience.

    You're missing the point anyway. If you have lots, great, but most people don't. And I mean the vast majority.

    world map with countries outlined. world map with countries
  • world map with countries

  • Warbrain
    Sep 12, 08:29 AM
    Is this new?



    Simple answer: No.


    world map with countries outlined. world map with countries
  • world map with countries

  • zenntench_oni
    Dec 14, 05:03 AM
    my friend told me that LTE is not that "mature" yet. i had to LOL when he told me that. of course LTE is not "mature" yet.. verizon is just full of themselves

    world map with countries outlined. World Map Outline Countries
  • World Map Outline Countries

  • Slix
    Mar 24, 08:26 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPod; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    True. :P

    I'd like to see more screenshots from earlier OS X too. :D I would boot one up if I had extra old computers laying around right now.


    world map with countries outlined. World Map With Countries
  • World Map With Countries

  • Stella
    Mar 16, 08:55 AM
    LTD blurb:
    The entire industry is one big Apple "fanboi", bud. What Apple does, everyone else moves to copy or get it on. My "bubble" is the entire tech industry where it concerns the average user.

    This is nonsence. If the average user was interested in just Apple, then why are Apple on a lesser market share for pretty much... everything but MP3 players? How come Android is proving more popular?

    world map with countries outlined. world map with countries
  • world map with countries

  • gootz
    Aug 7, 07:24 PM
    I called my local Apple Store and the guy I talked to didn't even know that there were 'new' monitors. So I ordered mine online, pronto!

    Yeah, I'm paying cash so I'm calling my local Apple store tonight (Stoneridge Pleasanton) to see if they have the newer ones? I doubt it, they always lag on the new stuff. I've been holding off on buying now for a few weeks... Thank god!


    world map with countries outlined. world map with countries
  • world map with countries

  • m-dogg
    Nov 24, 09:01 AM
    I buy my annual .mac subscription today when it's on sale. Doesn't actually renew until January...

    world map with countries outlined. outline world map with
  • outline world map with

  • seanf
    Apr 4, 01:48 PM
    Now that just doesn't work for me either. It's saying I'm in Oxford. :confused:It's not your location, but the location of the device that gave you your IP address.

    Sean :)


    world map with countries outlined. [Clickable Map] World Top Ten
  • [Clickable Map] World Top Ten

  • Nekbeth
    Apr 27, 01:13 PM
    Let me ask you this: what do you think the difference is?

    I hope it's not a rhetorical question, but I really don't know, that is why I asked.

    Check out this timer tutorial. I'm trying to follow it by adding a Datepicker to it. Let me know what you think of it.


    world map with countries outlined. blank world map outline
  • blank world map outline

  • numediaman
    Oct 30, 12:43 PM
    I'm on the phone with AT&T right now talking about the new fees they have added to my bill -- they are, of course, bogus and will be reversed. But every month I have to call AT&T about bogus charges they have added to the bill.

    I imagine that this game adds thousands, if not millions, of dollars to their bottom line.

    In response, I have eliminated my home lines that go through AT&T, and would immediately go with any other carrier that could handle the iPhone.


    world map with countries outlined. lank world map countries.
  • lank world map countries.

  • maflynn
    Apr 10, 06:46 AM
    As an Apple user, I'm thrilled that I'm not afflicted with the need to put down Windows in order to boost my ego.

    That's the difference between an apple user and apple fanboy ;)

    I use the tool that best suits my needs, up till now its been apple hardware and apple software for me but that doesn't mean it will be the case in the future.

    The cost of apple computers is such that I need to be sure it actually solves a need before I plunk down a lot $$ on it, just so I can show off that cool apple logo on the back

    world map with countries outlined. world map outline countries.
  • world map outline countries.

  • SPEEDwithJJ
    Apr 7, 11:21 PM
    Photo of approx. 48 packets of Red Bull.

    Oddly enough, just looking at the photo of the approximately 48 packets of Red Bull energy drinks is giving me a crazy thought.... :o I can't help but wonder what would happen if a person drank every packet of those Red Bull energy drinks in that photo in one go! :confused: :eek: :p :D


    world map with countries outlined. world map with countries
  • world map with countries

  • Prom1
    Sep 8, 12:30 PM
    So much complaints about Kanye West.

    If you've never listened to different artists in the HipHop/Rap world since 1979; you shouldnt comment about a) attitude of a performer (on stage) b) whether or not their performance was appropriate for a musical announcement of a product or service.

    b) is just self explanatory! Musical engagement that announces big artist contractual aggreements of their wares for sale on the iTMS service. Also announcing products that has worldwide appeal to all walks of people and their choices of music!

    a) Hip-Hop arrived in the 1990's, but Rap was around since 1979 (just before RUNDMC) - as a pure content not mixed with funk (Whodini).

    RAP - is a definition of a lifestyle, highly competive, never succumbing to your competition, and always making moves. Somebody mentioned that the audience didnt appreciate nor is West's listenership; of course but them being shocked is mostly at the cursing; which has been around in music since day one - Rap included but not alone.

    I've passed by Lawyers, Doctors, even a Judge (I know because as a youth I got schooled by her) listening to Kanye West, LL Cool J, Queen Latifah. Why? Because it gives them a motivative sense of power, a sense of "I'm above the rest" that most other genre's of music doesnt provide. Rock N Roll comes really close, but from what I've heard, I cannot pick 10 artists/groups in all their albums that brings it like Rap/Hip-Hop.

    Apple has been, well fighting the power since day one! Most people forget that. Think Different may not be Apple's slogan anymore, but its still part of their existence. They dont follow the status quo.

    I enjoyed the first GarageBand announcement, even though I dont prefer the music of god I forgot his name. Still all music artists are creative; except those 1 hit wonders.

    world map with countries outlined. world map with countries
  • world map with countries

  • weitzner
    Aug 1, 12:51 PM
    well if the argument was to make a completely cross-platform DRM that would work in all media players and on all portable music players, that would be fine with me- especially if napster and all other music stores were being scrutinized too. personally, i think that most people buy from the ITMS after they have an iPod because it's easy. and downloaders aren't demanding that the DRM be licensed to other music players because they are happy with the iTunes-iPod solution. i think these suits are well-intentioned but misdirected. the demand should be for completely cross-platform files- then the music player license issue would work itself out.

    world map with countries outlined. blank world map outline
  • blank world map outline

  • Reach9
    Mar 17, 10:28 PM
    Wow, so so jealous? Well, we'll be able to laugh at them when the iPhone 5 comes around as well.

    Best thing to do is to ignore these people.

    Jan 9, 01:39 PM
    I promise promise promise its not a spoiler.

    Jul 15, 09:23 PM
    im on DSL :D it goes alright i guess.

    howcome you are getting such pathetic speeds? too many people in the street?

    yeah the top dsl speed here is 6 mb/s. not really great, but better than what i'm getting.

    i'm really not sure why the speed is so low.

    I have Mediacom too, I'm supposed to have really fast service, it's ok most of the time but here is what cnet's speed test (http://reviews.cnet.com/internet-speed-test/) gave me.

    try http://www.speedtest.net. i just ran it and got 0.81 mb/s. i'm paying for 12.0

    Mar 18, 11:46 AM
    I've had the opposite. A lot of my friends are Android owners and have flat out told me that they want to switch to iPhone after checking mine out. Most of them complain about battery life and smoothness of interface.

    My best friend was checking out my phone the other day (he's a Droid Incredible owner) and using my IMDB app, and I heard him mumble to himself, "I can't wait to get one of these." He hates that the scrolling on his phone always locks up and stutters. He also hates that he can't get through a whole day on one battery charge even though he is REALLY anal about killing processes.

    The office I used to work in was about half and half iPhone/Android. The sales guys all used the original Motorola Droid. They all swore by it. Once that iPhone 4 for Verizon dropped, I saw a lot of people changing their tune. About half of the Android users walked in with them in the next couple of weeks.

    I now work in downtown Chicago, and being a gadget lover, I often look at what people are using on my walk to the train station. (EVERYONE is carrying some kind of gadget or another). I see about 75% iPhones/iPods and about 25% of everything else. I have seen exactly TWO Android tablets out in the wild and about a zillion iPads. (Haven't seen any iPad 2s yet).

    A lot of people bought android stuff because they hated AT&T. I have always looked as Android as a me too product. It just depends on how you look at it and what you need. I am not even an Apple lover, but the iPhone 4 was the best phone I tried at the time.

    Oct 22, 09:49 AM
    You guys with AAPL, hang on to it... I wish I still had mine, but I cashed out last year. 1525 shares paid off my Buell, cards and a house so I'm not grumbling. Only suck part was 75% of the sale price was profit(long term) and CapGains ate my lunch. IRS and State got an extra $14k last April. Ouch.

    Hopefully '07 will be a good ride for y'all.


    Apr 22, 06:56 PM
    Whereas I agree with your post entirely, I get the feeling that you wouldn't be saying this if Apple were the only ones not to collect such data. You have bashed Google many times for the amount of data it collects, but as soon as Apple is to be seen to be doing it, it's all cool. A "non-issue.":rolleyes:

    Don't worry, I usually slag on the competition for entirely different reasons.

    And quite frankly, if I ever bashed Google for the data they collect, I shouldn't have. Because in practice, it's completely harmless.

    I *did* bash them for Google Buzz. Mostly because it was just annoying and there was no way to turn it off (not easily, at least.)

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