Tuesday, June 7, 2011

cute anime expressions

cute anime expressions. cute anime lonely. cute lonely
  • cute anime lonely. cute lonely

  • newdeal
    Feb 27, 03:48 PM
    Just wondering if there is a way to disable apples multitasking on the ipad with 4.2? I much preferred using backgrounder and proswitcher on 3.2 and would love to be able to go back to something better than apples implementation. Also I was wondering if the same virtual memory hack for 3.2 works with 4.2?

    cute anime expressions. cute anime lonely. cute lonely
  • cute anime lonely. cute lonely

  • ziggyonice
    Apr 30, 07:20 PM
    Castle... I wonder if that name has any significance?

    A stronghold for your stuff?
    Heavily protected/guarded??
    A free moat with every purchase???

    cute anime expressions. I#39;m in the mood for anime this
  • I#39;m in the mood for anime this

  • *LTD*
    Mar 25, 11:05 AM
    Apple should just roll their own.

    They have the power, the talent, the size, and certainly the scale, to go their own way with an excellent chance of success.

    The more things they do in-house, the better. It'll only enhance the Apple ecosystem and grow it.

    This is folks. Apple is now in charge of their own destiny.

    cute anime expressions. Cute Anime
  • Cute Anime

  • displaced
    May 2, 06:20 PM
    I've not given for a couple of years since our town hall was closed for refurbishment (that's where the donor sessions were held). But this has inspired me to look up a session next week.

    My "I do something amazing. I give blood" card (http://www.blood.co.uk/giving-blood/donor-award-scheme/whole-blood-donor/) keeps eyeing me disapprovingly from my wallet. Actually, looking at that page, I think I'm only one donation away from the silver award. Sweet!

    I'm AB+ (universal recipient) which is handy.


    cute anime expressions. different expressions and
  • different expressions and

  • karsten
    Mar 23, 05:20 PM
    any working sync software on lion besides dropbox? tried sync mate but it didn't work. don't need the cloud capability of dropbox just between 2 macs

    cute anime expressions. Cute Anime People Drawings. cute anime love drawings. cute anime love drawings. jiv3turkey748. Sep 7, 02:19 PM
  • Cute Anime People Drawings. cute anime love drawings. cute anime love drawings. jiv3turkey748. Sep 7, 02:19 PM

  • wesrk
    Feb 15, 02:38 AM
    What's with the hosting sites that try to get porn pop ups?
    FYI for those at work or in sensible areas


    cute anime expressions. Cute anime action figures
  • Cute anime action figures

  • jared1988
    Apr 11, 07:06 PM
    That car no longer exists (in that form) as of Friday, the 8th. The guy's garage burned down with the car in it.


    i know :( Mike will come back...

    cute anime expressions. nice and cute expression.
  • nice and cute expression.

  • Full of Win
    May 1, 12:12 AM
    The key area of your problem is highlighted in red.

    As I said in a post you quoted...

    Of course this is just opinion.


    cute anime expressions. cute anime boy with brown hair
  • cute anime boy with brown hair

  • BruiserBear
    Apr 28, 08:12 AM
    I think Apple waited too long to bring the iPhone to Verizon. By the time they did many diehard Verizon customers had just bought Android alternatives. I think Apple got a little too sucked in by the exclusive money from AT&T, but in the end it might end up hurting them.

    Now Apple is going to have to fight to get those customers in the coming year or two, all the while Android is getting better and better.

    I'm an iPhone 4 customer on AT&T, but I'm still able to see the big picture. They should have had the iPhone on Verizon a year earlier.

    cute anime expressions. cute anime boy with brown
  • cute anime boy with brown

  • henchman
    May 6, 12:32 PM
    The white looks like a cheap piece of plastic to me


    cute anime expressions. Cute Anime People Drawings. of the anime baby#39;s face,; of the anime baby#39;s face,. eyelikeart. Nov 4, 12:05 PM. who#39;s got a crew? :eek:
  • Cute Anime People Drawings. of the anime baby#39;s face,; of the anime baby#39;s face,. eyelikeart. Nov 4, 12:05 PM. who#39;s got a crew? :eek:

  • Dagless
    Sep 26, 12:09 PM
    ooh i forgot another little story of mine.

    me and my girlfriend (we were going out 2 years and 4-5 months at this point) went on holiday with college to Barcelona. we had both just turned 18, me in January my girlfriend just a few days before we left in February. the college said we couldn't share a room! so instead im stuck in a room with this effin arsewipe scally who just got drunk the whole holiday and smoked in the room. what was utterly brilliant was that he actually stole our room card so i couldn't get back in and he went out clubbing with a load of people, with the intention of bringing this girl back to our room. unfortunately he forgot how resourceful i was and i made it seem like i was mugged in the street and they stole my room card. the room card number was changed and i got a new card :D the look on his face when he came back and his card didn't work :D but thats just part of the story.

    thing is we were 18 yet the college said we needed our parents permission to share a room. hell we weren't even having sex back then! we're not having sex now *waiting for the moment like*

    parents and guardians in general need to bloody realize that not every 18 year old is an alcoholic drug taking sex maniac. or every student. but thats another story

    cute anime expressions. expression middot; anime
  • expression middot; anime

  • Doctor Q
    Apr 4, 08:06 PM
    After I switched to Verizon, AT&T sent me a letter offering all sorts of deals if I'd change my mind (although they didn't offer to buy out my new 2-year Verizon contract).

    This must be how they were planning to pay for my special discounts, by raising fees for everyone else!


    cute anime expressions. cute anime girl crying by
  • cute anime girl crying by

  • OwenMan
    Mar 29, 01:24 AM
    Hey Guys,

    Sorry if this is the wrong spot for this, everyone probably already has a gmail account, but if you need one just reply to the thread or pm me.

    Thought this might be helpful, took me ages to get an Gmail invite.


    cute anime expressions. very cute anime
  • very cute anime

  • mandoman
    Nov 29, 02:38 PM
    Limiting the number of ipods a movie can be played on will do absolutely nothing to curb piracy. It is merely
    an errosion of what I consider 'fair use'. Heck, the existing
    itunes DRM is too restrictive already - once I buy a movie, I should be able to view it anyway I damn well please, be it on a single ipod, multiple ipods, PSP, laptop, tv, at a friends house, burn to dvd, encode to another format, whatever. The only thing I shouldn't be able to do is re-distribute the movie.

    What needs to be done is to figure out how to prevent movie downloads from being re-distribued while preserving 'fair use'. The movie industry needs to hire less lawyers and lobbyist, and hire tech people to figure out better ways to do this. Bittorrent is open source - it amazes me with the source code right in front of them that the industry hasn't figured out how to make files un-torrentable.

    Until movie downloads are offered with minimal DRM restrictions and offered in a much higher quality HD format, I'll pass and just buy the DVD.


    cute anime expressions. very cute anime
  • very cute anime

  • Yvan256
    Oct 6, 08:21 AM
    [...] This would just mean us designers would have to spend that much more time envisioning what would happen if a user resized every form element on every page and incorporating it into our layouts. This is why I hope there's a way to disable it outright.

    You already have to envision what will happen when a user changes the text size. The web is not print or TV, it's supposed to be flexible and to be controlled by the user, not the designer. Your website should look good wether the user changes the text size, disables plug-ins, disables images or even disables CSS.

    Granted, the website won't look exactly the same in each case, but the content and the structure should be visible in all cases if the website is coded properly. That's the power of CSS and structured content.

    Using javascript to disable a browser feature (like the useless "disable right-click" one) is working against your viewers. A simple "disable javascript" will also bypass your script.

    cute anime expressions. Cute anime action figures
  • Cute anime action figures

  • SkippyThorson
    Apr 6, 01:56 PM
    Petabytes didn't exist in my dictionary until today. Thank you, MacRumors.

    My first thought has already been said.

    Im curious how long that will suffice...

    My first question has been asked.

    12 petabytes? That doesn't seem like too much, actually. that's 1GB of storage for 12 million customers

    My first concern has been noted.


    This thread has read my mind today. I learned what a Petabyte is - today is a good day.

    I am concerned about how long Apple will take to fill that space and need to expand, of course, this is the first round of storage purchasing, and I'm sure there is more to come - but I'm not as concerned as I am interested. The rate at which this storage is used, consumed, and expanded upon will really show how far we've come in terms of computing capacity.

    An IT professor I know whom I saw today said, "It's a great time to be alive", and that has stuck with me very well for the past few hours. I truly am happy to be here to witness our expansion in technology. :)

    ~sheds single tear~


    cute anime expressions. Cute anime action figures
  • Cute anime action figures

  • floridaoj1
    Dec 28, 01:08 AM
    I thought I might post a video I made... It's a mix of 4 video's actually, and some other editing...
    It would be cool to have a video category here, but I understand how the bandwidth suffers from it..... :)

    Here's my vid, watch it..... (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZNps4NarNHE)

    cute anime expressions. Cute anime action figures
  • Cute anime action figures

  • Fiveos22
    Oct 12, 06:09 PM
    I've always been a fan of the original Bioshock imagery


    cute anime expressions. The next lovely anime
  • The next lovely anime

  • MacBoobsPro
    Mar 24, 11:44 AM

    Just to give a quick backstory; I spent years going back to school for design and at last I've finally acquired my degree. I now have a budding freelance business with a handful of small clients, all of whom are relatively civil, good natured and appreciative of my work.

    Recently a long distance client I really get along with referred me to someone. He hired me to do a logo for his marketing startup. He was pleased with the end result and asked me to take on a second project, designing a mockup for a website that he could then turn over to a developer. He set a time limit of 3 hours, because that's all he could afford. Everything was going fine till about 2 hours in. He liked the direction I was going in, so while I was waiting to hear back I did some small revisions (off the clock), just to satisfy my own design sensibilities. I sent them to him to see what he thought. He suddenly calls me saturday afternoon and from the get go, seems to have an attitude. He wants to go over all the revisions I sent him. So I scramble for my macbook. As I'm going through my folders in search of the files he starts getting flustered and belittling. I offer to call him back in an hour after I've gathered everything and before one of us says something we'll regret, but he wants to stay on the phone and takes an even more offensive tone. I'm a laid back guy, but I had enough and firmly reminded him that I was trying to design a site for him within a 3 hour limit and had been good enough to not bill him for all the phone time he insisted on and had even stopped the clock a couple of times. He then startled to backpedal and complimented me on my work and how fair my pricing was ($25.00 an hour). The conversation went on for about another half hour as in the aftermath we awkwardly discussed the project. I think I did a pretty good job of remaining diplomatic. I've now just about completed the project and now he's talking about having me design a business card:rolleyes: The whole thing has left a bad taste in my mouth. I know there can always be an element of stress with any type of work is, but that was a bit much.

    Sorry for the rant, but I felt like I needed to vent to fellow designers. Anyone else have any horror stories?:)

    That is in no way a nightmare client. TRUST ME!!!! Nightmare clients are like one I had where he was on the phone every two minutes basically telling me what to do, essentially using me as a Mac monkey. Then when the 3 month project turned out to look like a steaming pile of crap he refused to pay.

    Feb 4, 06:31 AM
    I changed to this desktop on my 13" MBA the other day and thought I'd share. :)

    Feb 10, 10:36 AM
    As a possible new ATT iPhone customer, now there are only two choices for text plans......

    Unlimited or None, how's that for an upsell

    There's also $10 for 1000 messages.

    It's a tribute
    Oct 3, 07:05 PM
    Last one, going on holiday/language course to Thailand.

    http://imgur.com/l58kIl.jpg (http://imgur.com/l58kI.png)

    May 3, 01:29 PM
    ...every time?

    Oct 13, 01:16 PM
    People will just start using leet speak again.

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