Apr 6, 05:21 PM
Mine atm
Link for those who want it: Joker (http://dl.dropbox.com/u/64005/Favourites/ghost-fool.png)
Link for those who want it: Joker (http://dl.dropbox.com/u/64005/Favourites/ghost-fool.png)

Apr 25, 06:03 PM
I need to put video on my ipad, just need it done faster than the current handbrake method. what settings do I need to modify to get it done faster?
Nov 20, 05:03 PM
Next Tuesday, Sweet!
Ha ha. That is the phrase of 2005.
Ha ha. That is the phrase of 2005.

Mar 11, 10:20 AM
Anyone in line yet? How long if so?

Apr 29, 04:16 AM
I always thought that Apple could not meet demand... or is that still so?

Dec 25, 12:35 PM
Rumor is untethered was supposed to come out b4 christmas. Maybe tomorrow?
Apr 13, 12:17 AM
I bought a logitech k120 from amazon. how do i make it like the mac keyboard in terms of copy/paste? don't know how to use http://doublecommand.sourceforge.net/help.html
Sep 16, 02:47 PM
If it's under warranty get Apple to send you a new one. If not check what it's power output is. The newer ones are 65W and there's fewer third party chargers that provide that level of output. The old ones were 45W and there's stacks of third party chargers that are compatible. An even cursory glance at a place like OWC should find some.

Oct 5, 08:25 PM
Im sorry, but wasn't tabbed browsing covered when Steve debuted Leaopard? and I saw the improved find feature in Safari 3 like almost 2 months ago... the only "new" feature that I see is the resizeable text fields....
I love safari and everything, but this isn't news.... why is everyone making such a big deal over this??
It's like as if I said, "Hey everyone! check this out! Tiger has an awesome NEW feature called WIDGETS!"
I love safari and everything, but this isn't news.... why is everyone making such a big deal over this??
It's like as if I said, "Hey everyone! check this out! Tiger has an awesome NEW feature called WIDGETS!"

mac jones
Mar 11, 07:12 AM
Anyone happen to see a line on Michigan or North?

Feb 12, 02:59 PM
Case and point! :rolleyes:
It was just a joke in response to the "tyrannical digital overlords" comment :rolleyes:
If you think anyone is abusing their "power", report it, and if you're right we'll soon be demoted.
It was just a joke in response to the "tyrannical digital overlords" comment :rolleyes:
If you think anyone is abusing their "power", report it, and if you're right we'll soon be demoted.
Nov 29, 11:53 AM
http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com)
According to the Financial Times, Universal, 20th Century Fox, Paramount and Warner Bros, who are all reported to be in talks with Apple to bring their movie collections to the iTunes store, are pressuring Apple to reduce the number of devices (http://www.ft.com/cms/s/6c6aa286-7f08-11db-b193-0000779e2340.html) movie content from iTunes would be able to play on (namely, iPods).
The studios want to avoid the experience of the music industry, which has yet to recover from years of illegal digital piracy. Apple must introduce a �new model� for feature film content delivery, said one studio executive involved in the talks. With the average cost of a blockbuster film approaching $100m, movie studios had more to lose than music companies, he added. �We�re very willing to do a deal but we�re keen to get some concessions from Apple that will account for the differences between the value of music and television content and feature film content.�
Currently, Apple's usage rights allow downloadable content to be played on an unlimited number of iPods (http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=304277) as well as up to 5 computers, although DVD burning is limited to archiving purposes only (DVD-Video burning is not supported).
Disney sold 125,000 movies (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2006/09/20060919142943.shtml) in its first week of operation on the iTunes store. While still small in comparison to DVD sales, Disney expects digital sales to add $50 million in revenue to its bottom line in the first year on the iTunes Store. The continued success of movie sales may make arguments for restricted usage rights fall on deaf ears to Apple executives, who would view such arguments as nit-picking a successful program.
According to the Financial Times, Universal, 20th Century Fox, Paramount and Warner Bros, who are all reported to be in talks with Apple to bring their movie collections to the iTunes store, are pressuring Apple to reduce the number of devices (http://www.ft.com/cms/s/6c6aa286-7f08-11db-b193-0000779e2340.html) movie content from iTunes would be able to play on (namely, iPods).
The studios want to avoid the experience of the music industry, which has yet to recover from years of illegal digital piracy. Apple must introduce a �new model� for feature film content delivery, said one studio executive involved in the talks. With the average cost of a blockbuster film approaching $100m, movie studios had more to lose than music companies, he added. �We�re very willing to do a deal but we�re keen to get some concessions from Apple that will account for the differences between the value of music and television content and feature film content.�
Currently, Apple's usage rights allow downloadable content to be played on an unlimited number of iPods (http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=304277) as well as up to 5 computers, although DVD burning is limited to archiving purposes only (DVD-Video burning is not supported).
Disney sold 125,000 movies (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2006/09/20060919142943.shtml) in its first week of operation on the iTunes store. While still small in comparison to DVD sales, Disney expects digital sales to add $50 million in revenue to its bottom line in the first year on the iTunes Store. The continued success of movie sales may make arguments for restricted usage rights fall on deaf ears to Apple executives, who would view such arguments as nit-picking a successful program.

Dec 22, 01:35 AM
Winni -
Danke sehr. Thanks for the time and effort to get back to me with a response that looks at things from a 'real world' perspective. Your points are issues which I have not even considered before.
Everybody else -
Thank you kindly for taking the time to get back to me. All points noted and considered.
Since doing a little more research into it and taking the comments on this forum into account I have changed my opinion on whether or not macs should form part of our IT infrastructure. It would seem that the real world problems of planning for the future, ensuring user productivity and product support, not to mention the capital outlay issues are going to trump any warm fuzzy feelings that I may get from working with my mac at home. Being an engineering firm, the majority of our specialist software is, for the foreseeable future, going to be written for Windows only.
Most importantly then, the positive user experience I have at home will almost certainly not carry over to the workplace and will more than likely only generate further frustration for other non-mac users. I currently have enough trouble simply trying to ensure compatibility between Excel '07 files and Excel '03. Adding Excel for Mac files into the mix will no doubt simply introduce another layer of complexity which is certainly not beneficial. This is indicative of many of the 'small' problems that are typically faced every day in the office, again, no thank you to having any more of those.
While I wish the warm fuzzy feeling I get from using my mac at home could be translated into my working day experience, the fact of the matter at the moment is that facilitating this is just not practical or feasible and in a mixed PC / MAC environment not very likely to happen.
The fanboy in me hopes that someday this will get sorted out, but I am not going to hold my breath.
miles01110 -
Thanks for the reality check, and I could not agree more with your take with respect to the the ways of the world and the importance of the real world concerns of IT people. IT is a department that I have never worked in, hence me posting on this forum to get some views on the topic at hand.
I spend all day writing reports, specifications, data sheets, e-mails to clients and suppliers etc. All of which require dotting every I and crossing every T from a grammar point of view. I am not going to waste my time ensuring my grammar is perfect on a forum post... seriously bru - not helpful at all.
Danke sehr. Thanks for the time and effort to get back to me with a response that looks at things from a 'real world' perspective. Your points are issues which I have not even considered before.
Everybody else -
Thank you kindly for taking the time to get back to me. All points noted and considered.
Since doing a little more research into it and taking the comments on this forum into account I have changed my opinion on whether or not macs should form part of our IT infrastructure. It would seem that the real world problems of planning for the future, ensuring user productivity and product support, not to mention the capital outlay issues are going to trump any warm fuzzy feelings that I may get from working with my mac at home. Being an engineering firm, the majority of our specialist software is, for the foreseeable future, going to be written for Windows only.
Most importantly then, the positive user experience I have at home will almost certainly not carry over to the workplace and will more than likely only generate further frustration for other non-mac users. I currently have enough trouble simply trying to ensure compatibility between Excel '07 files and Excel '03. Adding Excel for Mac files into the mix will no doubt simply introduce another layer of complexity which is certainly not beneficial. This is indicative of many of the 'small' problems that are typically faced every day in the office, again, no thank you to having any more of those.
While I wish the warm fuzzy feeling I get from using my mac at home could be translated into my working day experience, the fact of the matter at the moment is that facilitating this is just not practical or feasible and in a mixed PC / MAC environment not very likely to happen.
The fanboy in me hopes that someday this will get sorted out, but I am not going to hold my breath.
miles01110 -
Thanks for the reality check, and I could not agree more with your take with respect to the the ways of the world and the importance of the real world concerns of IT people. IT is a department that I have never worked in, hence me posting on this forum to get some views on the topic at hand.
I spend all day writing reports, specifications, data sheets, e-mails to clients and suppliers etc. All of which require dotting every I and crossing every T from a grammar point of view. I am not going to waste my time ensuring my grammar is perfect on a forum post... seriously bru - not helpful at all.

Feb 7, 04:44 AM
is it possible that iPod nano (july2010) to play mpg files? and if so, how?
Nov 24, 09:12 AM
TJ Maxx isn't selling them at a loss. TJ Maxx however is diluting the perceived value of the iPad. That's something all manufacturers -- not just Apple -- look to protect.
It's exactly why Amazon forces you to put some things in your cart to see the price. Amazon can't advertise a product below Price X, according to their agreement with the manufacturer. If they did, Amazon would be diluting the perceived market value of the product, which would force other resellers to follow suit. This forces the market price lower, and then resellers start putting pressure on the manufacturer to lower THEIR price (to resellers) so the retailers/resellers can maintain healthier margins.
It turns into a race towards the bottom, where a product gets commoditized. Manufacturers try to avoid that at all costs, because they only have a few products where they can sell at a high-margin or premium, for so long, before competition creates a pressure to drive the price down.
Yes, it's a loss leader item.
From tech.fortune.cnn.com-
Piper Jaffray's (PJC) Andrew Murphy has heard that T.J. Maxx's total supply of iPads is about 80 units, which could have been purchased as a loss leader anywhere -- including Apple's own stores -- for $40,000, and then re-sold for $32,000.
"It's obviously irritating to Apple that they're getting used this way," says PJC's Gene Munster. "But for $8,000, it's a brilliant marketing strategy."
And they may have bought them from Target where they seemed to be in good supply yesterday (as well as other days I have visited different Target stores) since most of the 64GB iPads are gone. The economy is doing well when the most expensive (non-3g) iPad is selling out; but it could be they didn't have that many at the start (due to the perceived poor economy).
It's exactly why Amazon forces you to put some things in your cart to see the price. Amazon can't advertise a product below Price X, according to their agreement with the manufacturer. If they did, Amazon would be diluting the perceived market value of the product, which would force other resellers to follow suit. This forces the market price lower, and then resellers start putting pressure on the manufacturer to lower THEIR price (to resellers) so the retailers/resellers can maintain healthier margins.
It turns into a race towards the bottom, where a product gets commoditized. Manufacturers try to avoid that at all costs, because they only have a few products where they can sell at a high-margin or premium, for so long, before competition creates a pressure to drive the price down.
Yes, it's a loss leader item.
From tech.fortune.cnn.com-
Piper Jaffray's (PJC) Andrew Murphy has heard that T.J. Maxx's total supply of iPads is about 80 units, which could have been purchased as a loss leader anywhere -- including Apple's own stores -- for $40,000, and then re-sold for $32,000.
"It's obviously irritating to Apple that they're getting used this way," says PJC's Gene Munster. "But for $8,000, it's a brilliant marketing strategy."
And they may have bought them from Target where they seemed to be in good supply yesterday (as well as other days I have visited different Target stores) since most of the 64GB iPads are gone. The economy is doing well when the most expensive (non-3g) iPad is selling out; but it could be they didn't have that many at the start (due to the perceived poor economy).
Sep 27, 02:23 PM
Looks good, but I want more for my money...

Apr 13, 10:27 AM
Whenever it comes I'm sure it will be awesome. All this attention to when it is coming out reminds me of when I was a kid waiting for Christmas day to arrive :)

Lord Blackadder
Jan 18, 01:44 PM
The whole notion that Europeans drive smaller cars because their streets are narrow is partially myth. Don't forget - Europe has modern cities with divided highways too, just like the US does. It is true that many cities and towns in Europe are more compact because of their age (Americans who live in certain parts of Boston or Philadelphia will be familiar with what 17th century streets look like). But the smaller size of cars in Europe is more closely related to the austerity of the post-WWII years setting a standard of smaller cars, fuel prices being higher, and higher taxes for larger cars.
Sat in the new Passat at the NAIAS this weekend because of this thread. Its a nice car, roomy, comfortable, kind of "mean" looking on the outside. I liked it.
I won't be able to look at one in the flesh till they hit dealers. The success of the new Passat will depend on how many new buyers Volkswagen lures, since that was the purpose of the "decontenting".
As an aside, I wish they'd bring the Golf GTD over here. I would be strongly tempted to buy one.
Sat in the new Passat at the NAIAS this weekend because of this thread. Its a nice car, roomy, comfortable, kind of "mean" looking on the outside. I liked it.
I won't be able to look at one in the flesh till they hit dealers. The success of the new Passat will depend on how many new buyers Volkswagen lures, since that was the purpose of the "decontenting".
As an aside, I wish they'd bring the Golf GTD over here. I would be strongly tempted to buy one.
Apr 10, 06:33 AM
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPod; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)
I got this and Missile Command. It's pretty terrible on the iPod touch. Way too small to be playable without bringing on a migraine.
I got this and Missile Command. It's pretty terrible on the iPod touch. Way too small to be playable without bringing on a migraine.
Mr. McMac
Sep 5, 10:28 AM
Any chance of the original background JPEG?
Pretty please?:D
Here it is at 1920x1200
Pretty please?:D
Here it is at 1920x1200
Apr 1, 10:12 PM
Can't wait till it's available to consumers.
Dec 17, 10:05 AM
PM me if the deal falls through, I'm very interested.
Apr 21, 04:09 AM
Nope, unlike the MBP, it does not have a protective glass in front of the LED panel.
Apr 30, 08:14 PM
Thank you Mario!
But our princess is in another castle
But our princess is in another castle
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