Wednesday, June 1, 2011

punched in face

punched in face. punched in the face-mouth
  • punched in the face-mouth

  • Winni
    Dec 21, 08:06 AM
    Macs would be an excellent choice for any business to use ...

    Yeah, sure. Because all of those business/enterprise applications written exclusively for Windows run ah-so smoothly on Macs...

    Just accept it, folks: There is no business case for using Macs in an enterprise environment.

    Compatibility? Fail. (There is a world beyond the Microsoft .doc format where enterprise applications live. There's OLD Java, and many Java apps require a very specific Oracle JVM to run. There's .NET. There's Sharepoint. There's an IBM mainframe you need to talk to. There are department printers that have no OS X drivers. There's a long list of office equipment that only plays well with Windows.)

    Enterprise-ready? Fail. See compatibility, see support, see backup.

    Central administration? Fail. Try applying group policies to a Mac.

    Central backup? Fail. No, Time Machine is NOT an enterprise solution.

    TCO? Fail. Expensive hardware, short-lived platform support.

    Enterprise-support from the manufacturer (Apple)? HUGE fail.

    Roadmaps? Fail. Apple doesn't even know what the word means. You just cannot plan with this company and their products.

    Product longevity? Knock-out Fail. (Try getting support for OS X Leopard in two years from now. Try getting support for Tiger or Panther TODAY. Then compare it to Windows XP, an OS from the year that will be officially supported until 2014. Then make your strategic choice and tell me with a straight face that you want to bet your money on Cupertino toys.)

    It's MUCH easier to integrate Linux desktops into an enterprise environment than it is to put Mac OS X boxes in there. Why? Because some "blue chip" companies like Oracle and IBM actually use, sell and support Linux and make sure that it can be used in an enterprise environment.

    Trying to push a home user/consumer platform like the Mac into a corporate environment is a very bad idea. Especially if the company behind the product recently even announced that they dropped their entire server hardware because nobody wanted them. Why should the head of a large IT department trust a company that just dropped their only product that was even remotely targeted at the enterprise market? It's like asking a CTO to bet the company's IT future on Nintendo Wiis.

    And just for your info: I've had those discussions at the World Health Organization of the United Nations, and it turned out to be IMPOSSIBLE to integrate Macs into their IT environment. I had the only Mac (a 20" Core Duo) in a world wide network because I was able to talk someone higher up the ladder into approving the purchase order for it, but then I quickly had to give up on OS X and instead run Windows on it in order to get my job as an IT admin done and be able to use the IT resources of the other WHO centers. OS X Tiger totally sucked in our network for almost all of the above reasons, but Windows Vista and XP got the job done perfectly. It wasn't very persuasive to show off a Mac that only runs Windows. That's what you get for being an Apple fanboy, which I admittedly was at that time.

    Where I work now, two other people bought Macs, and one of them has ordered Windows 7 yesterday and wants me to wipe out OS X from his hard disk and replace it with Windows. He's an engineer and not productive with OS X, rather the opposite: OS X slows him down and doesn't provide any value to him.

    And personally, after more than five years in Apple land, I will now also move away from OS X. It's a consumer platform that's only there to lock people into the Apple hardware and their iTunes store. If the web browser and iTunes and maybe Final Cut Studio, Logic Studio or the Adobe Creative Suites are the only pieces of software that you need to be happy, then OS X probably is okay for you. For everything else, it quickly becomes a very expensive trap or just a disappointment. When Apple brag about how cool it is to run Windows in "Boot Camp" or a virtualization software, then this rather demonstrates the shortcomings of the Mac platform instead of its strengths. I can also run Windows in VirtualBox on Linux. But why is this an advantage? Where's the sense in dividing my hardware resources to support TWO operating systems to get ONE job done? What's the rationalization for that? There is none. It just shows that the Mac still is not a full computing platform without Microsoft products. And that is the ultimate case AGAINST migrating to Mac OS X.

    punched in face. 25 People Punched In The Face
  • 25 People Punched In The Face

  • robbieduncan
    Sep 24, 01:26 PM
    I'm using this ( in my 15" PowerBook. �85 (+around �10 for delivery)...

    punched in face. Getting punched in the face is
  • Getting punched in the face is

  • bigrobb
    Dec 6, 04:31 PM
    Here is my imac and ipad wallpapers

    punched in face. gets punched in the face.
  • gets punched in the face.

  • vincebio
    Jan 9, 04:17 PM
    its not coming out in england until Q4!

    only england eh?

    not scotland, wales and northern ireland?:rolleyes:


    punched in face. clown punched in his face
  • clown punched in his face

  • DanielNTX
    Dec 5, 11:03 PM
    No DDR2... that's a different form factor.

    punched in face. Zombie Punched In Face.
  • Zombie Punched In Face.

  • chrono1081
    Nov 17, 11:54 PM
    Blender is free and would do it. there is also Maya, or Cinema 4D.


    punched in face. below On face-punching
  • below On face-punching

  • Charlie03
    Dec 1, 12:56 PM
    Here is mine for December..Nothing like a little fight club..

    punched in face. teen girl Punched in face
  • teen girl Punched in face

  • Rodimus Prime
    Apr 29, 10:41 PM
    Don't be daft, Samsung are the suppliers because they gave the best price.

    Samsung will also be locked into supply contracts anyway, and they interfered with them, Samsung would be in a world of hurt, not just from Apple and litigation, but every other company they supply.

    And don't you believe there aren't alternatives for Apples component supplies either - every company that can build something that Samsung already does has been on the phone this week to Apple.

    The end result in all of this is that Samsung are putting at risk an $8bn turnover for copying a customers phone design.

    Even if Samsung win any of these suits, Samsung will lose the $8bn turnover, and will hand their component rivals the same amount.

    The question at the end of the day is whether the Galaxy/Tab/S/S2 are really worth $8bn a year - which they aren't.

    So who loses? Samsung every time.

    Heres the clue - never sue your customer.

    And you are just proving how little you understand the market in that area.
    You forget that those parts Samsung supplies there is a SHORTAGE of them on the open market. Apple can not afford to loose Samsung because no one else has the production to replace them. It would cost Apple a lot more money to replace them. Samsung on the other had because of the shortage sell for a greater amount to other companies.

    Apple may be a first tear buying in that area but they still are a minor player in terms of over all buyers. Samsung is a major player in that market.


    punched in face. Woman who was punched in face
  • Woman who was punched in face

  • Jacquesass
    Apr 6, 03:45 PM
    12 PB = 12,884,901,888 MB. 200 million iTunes accounts (at the iPad 2 event).

    Either everybody is getting 64 megabytes, or this is going to be more of a cloud locker for previous iTunes purchases (where the files are exactly the same for each user and don't have to be duplicated).

    punched in face. Punched In The Face. get
  • Punched In The Face. get

  • notjustjay
    Apr 7, 01:00 PM
    I'm looking forward to trying this out when I get home tonight. I won't pay $15 for the whole kit, but there are a couple of 99-cent packs that I wouldn't mind trying out.

    I have fond memories of playing Atari 2600 with my cousins at my grandparents' house when I was little. I was late to the game buying a 2600 of my own (I got mine when NES was all the rage) but I still loved it and was very saddened when I found out my parents had sold my entire Atari kit, including dozens of games, at a garage sale for a measly $5!

    I hope they continue to add games. There are a few that I enjoyed that I don't see on the list.


    punched in face. star who can take a punch.
  • star who can take a punch.

  • kdarling
    May 4, 09:16 PM
    All of a sudden I'm getting this error, which causes my IE8 work PC to hang with Window Busy all the time:

    Webpage error details

    User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; GTB6; .NET CLR 1.0.3705; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; MS-RTC LM 8)
    Timestamp: Thu, 5 May 2011 02:02:38 UTC

    Message: Could not complete the operation due to error 800a03e8.
    Line: 11
    Char: 1
    Code: 0

    punched in face. Gets PUNCHED In The Face!
  • Gets PUNCHED In The Face!

  • Dwalls90
    Apr 6, 02:23 PM
    Don't know where you get that strange number from.

    12 Petabytes = exactly 12 million gigabytes. That would be 500 megabytes for each of 24 million customers.


    1 petabyte = 1*048*576 gigabytes

    Google it


    punched in face. gomez punched in the face
  • gomez punched in the face

  • eye
    Dec 29, 09:01 PM
    Window Breaker Hammer (If I fly off a bridge into a river and can't get out of my ride.)

    Salad Spinner

    Black Peacoat

    iTunes $15 Gift Cards X2

    Soft Claws (for my savage kitten)

    Bungee Cords Value Pack


    Brown Oxfords 1df7a27427413c19dce60ad-1274701123_450x450.jpg&wmax=200&hmax=200&quality=80&bgcol=FFFFFF

    Wine Preserver

    punched in face. punched in face “She hit
  • punched in face “She hit

  • Krevnik
    Apr 27, 04:38 PM
    Maybe the reason they didn't bring it up was because they are working on a new feature (ie new maps or turn by turn gps built into the next iOS; they did mention it was to collect data for something like that), but now that the media has blown it out of proportion, they had to come out and address it. At least, that's what I'm assuming Apple's point of view was.


    punched in face. punched in the face.
  • punched in the face.

  • charlesbronsen
    Jan 12, 01:58 PM
    Haven't listened to them for quite some and accidentally stumbled upon their new LP "There Is No Enemy". Damn did I miss these guys. I loaded the new album on my iPod for a quick listen for my 5min hike to the store. Well I ended up walking around for like 45mins totally spaced and only came to when the cd ended. All in all, good walk - great cd.;)

    punched in face. punched telling the face
  • punched telling the face

  • Reach9
    Mar 23, 09:22 PM
    Your apparent eagerness to lay blame on the victim is bizarre and highly questionable.

    I'm not blaming woman for being raped, don't get me wrong. In fact i know that a lot of times it doesn't matter what the attire is.
    I'm just saying that it increases your chances of getting raped if you're wearing inviting gear. (If the rapist has a sexual desire [that's what i'm talking about])

    It's like showing off your Rolex watch while walking by a dangerous area known for robbery and crime.
    Should you be robbed? No. But mother always said not to walk around showing off your latest bling in dangerous places. That's the point i meant to make, rape is horrible and a disgusting crime. Don't get me wrong, i don't blame the victim.

    Why is dressing provocatively stupid? That's one of the many freedoms women enjoy in the western world, and i enjoy looking at them dressed that way. But I'm not gonna go and rape them. What you're saying confirms Muslim countries justification for sharia law. And I also find it insulting to males, because it says that if a women dresses provocatively then we have no self control and will rape them.

    Good for you. You're right, it's a free country, and I love it for being so. I like to keep hold of my morals and I enjoy women who have values, dignity and self respect.

    A woman dressing provocatively heightens the chances of assault, that's all i'm saying. I'm not saying that men should rape women who dress provocatively, don't get me wrong.
    If you don't think that women who dress provocatively get more attention from men, then it's pointless to continue the discussion.

    Sharia Law is just some stupid extremist ideology, i'm not even going to go there.

    Good for you to have control, it's not only about controlling themselves, some are stalking women in inviting circumstances. I've seen it myself.

    The point is that you have a reasonable expectation of safety regardless of decisions.

    Placing more and more responsibility on the victims is a slippery slope.

    Today its "don't walk down that street" tomorrow its "what were you doing outside without your gun and bullet proof vest".

    No matter the poor nature of one's decision they do not deserve to be raped or murdered. And responsibility for the event belongs solely to the perpetrator.

    Agreed. I never said it was, and i never will, rape is absolutely terrible. I understand that a person has a reasonable expectation of safety, I'm just saying that wearing provocative outfit will increase the chances of assault. Is that right? No, but i've seen it myself along with some of my friends victimized numerous times.
    It's sad how the world works.

    I think the difference is that there are certain situations where i feel that both parties are at fault for the concluding action that was taken place.
    For example, if a woman decides to wear provocative clothing and acts accordingly at a bar and then gets assaulted by a drunk man, which afterwards she claims as rape, then i'll be looking into both parties.
    Nobody deserves to get raped or murdered, i'm not saying anything like that.


    punched in face. punched in face. selena
  • punched in face. selena

  • normwood
    Oct 9, 04:10 PM
    How in the heck do you show conversations?


    punched in face. punched her in the face.
  • punched her in the face.

  • DisMyMac
    Nov 20, 05:52 AM
    Why do any of you care?

    I'm guessing because it's not a cool store, and they are shallow.

    Surprisingly vain, in fact.

    punched in face. Punched in Face by Robot
  • Punched in Face by Robot

  • Chimera
    Oct 31, 08:56 AM
    Appleinsider called this correctly then, I wonder if this will be the top selling iPod model this Christmas.

    Gasu E.
    Nov 19, 04:57 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8B117 Safari/6531.22.7)

    It goes to show you that they can still make a profit with $100 off. I guess the price gouging by Apple continues.

    That comment makes no sense, and not just because of the loss-leader observation several people have made. The discount is coming off the retailer's margin, not Apple's. It's totally unrelated to Apple's profit margin since it's the retailer, not Apple, that is doing the discounting.

    Apr 27, 08:09 AM
    What makes lesbian porn so likable?

    Something I like, times two.

    Next question please.

    Yes sir, you in the balcony, with your pants around your ankles.

    The man-hating lesbian was created by egotistical straight men, who couldn't believe that a woman would choose another woman over a man.

    Bruised egos? How quaint.

    Apr 7, 09:04 AM
    I got a weird bug. Sometimes my albums in the photos app go right to the top of the screen and show underneath the 'menubar' at the top so I can tap on it and open the first album in the list. If I pull it back down on the rubberband effect it still goes to the top of the screen?! I have to restart my phone for it to reset and its still hit and miss whether it works.

    I do too

    Aug 4, 06:52 AM
    On my MBP.

    Spectacular, however, can you point me to a higher res picture? thanks :)

    NY Guitarist
    Apr 30, 07:30 PM
    Am I going to have .mac, .me and .icloud email addresses now?

    Hehe.. maybe?

    I stuck with the dotmac addresses when the service became MobileMe, but I think I can use both.

    My MobileME renews in a few weeks. I hope I don't get nailed twice, once for the renewal and again for the upgrade.

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