Sequels, sequels and more sequels are the order of the day in Bollywood and Ram Gopal Varma has also caught up with the trend. His film Rangeela in which Aamir Khan and Urmila Matondkar played the lead roles created a sensation when it was released sixteen years ago. Music maestro AR Rahman's music played a vital part in the film's success. And now, RGV intends to make a sequel to it.
In fact the idea for such venture struck him during the launch of Rahman's biography. Rahman, in his speech, expressed his gratitude to all the filmmakers namely, Mani Ratnam, Subhash Ghai, Ashutosh Gowarikar, Ram Gopal Varma, etc., to whom he attributed his successful career. In fact Rahman made his debut in Bollywood through Rangeela. RGV was touched by Rahman's words of gratitude and immediately thought of making sequel to the trend-setting film. Here again, he is hoping to rope in Rahman to compose the music.
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