Monday, May 30, 2011

bethany hamilton biography

bethany hamilton biography. Bethany Hamilton, champion
  • Bethany Hamilton, champion

  • SandynJosh
    Apr 15, 09:01 PM
    Of course Google's going to have growing pains. It's new territory for them. They'll get it sorted out.

    It's not only new territory, it's outside their core competency. Like Cisco selling cameras or Google selling phones.

    Competition is good for the consumer. It results in innovation and downward pressure on prices.

    If competition results in innovation, why has the Windows PC not evolved into something better. Lord knows that arena is packed with competition.

    The downward pressure on prices actually inhibits innovation. R & D is the first thing to go when the pressure gets high. The focus becomes, "How can we make this cheaper?" Let that go on for a couple decades and you get such poorly made PCs that they are disposable.

    bethany hamilton biography. Bethany Hamilton bio-pic
  • Bethany Hamilton bio-pic

  • applefan289
    Apr 2, 11:49 AM
    What I like about Apple is not only the great products, but also their professionalism. Microsoft does not give off the "kid in a candy store" vibe, and the Microsoft website just feels clunky.

    I guess those were not good examples, but even if Windows 8 beats Lion as far as the OS itself, Windows 8 will not beat Apple's marketing, professionalism, and "with it" mind set.

    bethany hamilton biography. ethany hamilton biography.
  • ethany hamilton biography.

  • JML42691
    Oct 14, 09:11 PM
    Wow. Do you people realize that this topic was originally posted WAY WAY back on Jan 10, 03:12 PM??? 10 months ago?
    I did when I made my post, it doesn't change the situation much, if at all. What they did was what they did, and the majority of this discussion was after last year's MWSF, in which case the upcoming MW of which the OP discussed the point of if they should be banned hasn't even happened yet. So this discussion is still very active and relevant.

    bethany hamilton biography. ethany hamilton biography.
  • ethany hamilton biography.

  • Macky-Mac
    May 4, 03:39 PM
    Any law that tells a physician what they can and can't ask a patient, or who they must treat despite their own personal views - is stupid....

    ....The hypocrisy from those of you on the left on this issue is pretty clear. If this was the GLBTA trying to pass a similar law regarding homosexuality, etc. you'd have no problem with it.

    considering that everybody seems to be agreeing with you on the stupidity of this law, your claim of "hypocrisy" seems completely empty

    bethany hamilton biography. Based on the Bethany Hamilton
  • Based on the Bethany Hamilton

  • DoFoT9
    Jul 13, 09:50 PM
    thanks. it's good to be back, but like i said, i'm having serious internet issues here. i'm paying for 12 mb/s, and sometimes i'm getting less than 1! :mad:

    dang. well once i get the internet situation under control, i'll be able to contribute more.
    farout man, thats BS. is it ADSL?

    bethany hamilton biography. Bethany Hamilton Surfer
  • Bethany Hamilton Surfer

  • Suture
    Mar 23, 08:12 AM
    rtdgoldfish -- that's awesome. I hope you catch the thief. Keep us updated.

    bethany hamilton biography. ethany hamilton biography.
  • ethany hamilton biography.

    Apr 16, 10:00 AM
    these pictures are from a story I read on engadget about some guy that made an aluminum case for his iPhone...and strangley I saw it around March 23, my birthday....which is why I remember it

    bethany hamilton biography. ethany hamilton biography. surfer Bethany Hamilton,; surfer Bethany Hamilton,. MattInOz. Mar 23, 05:08 PM. What#39;s the idea of DUI checkpoints anyway?
  • ethany hamilton biography. surfer Bethany Hamilton,; surfer Bethany Hamilton,. MattInOz. Mar 23, 05:08 PM. What#39;s the idea of DUI checkpoints anyway?

  • dethmaShine
    Apr 29, 04:54 PM
    I liked it how it was before.... :(


    It was confusing but they could have sorted that out.

    bethany hamilton biography. ethany hamilton biography.
  • ethany hamilton biography.

  • wordoflife
    Apr 25, 03:39 PM
    It doesn't look fake to me, but who am I to judge?
    Anyways, I'll welcome that screen.

    bethany hamilton biography. ethany hamilton biography. surfer Bethany Hamilton,; surfer Bethany Hamilton,. shelterpaw. Aug 11, 04:05 PM. Well, I had been screwed about 4x as much as a
  • ethany hamilton biography. surfer Bethany Hamilton,; surfer Bethany Hamilton,. shelterpaw. Aug 11, 04:05 PM. Well, I had been screwed about 4x as much as a

  • zephxiii
    Jan 8, 11:04 AM
    Interesting that the original post in this thread states that it is indeed an LTE Verizon iPhone. That seems to coincide with the video of the parts that were leaked on youtube a couple days ago, showing a sim card slot on the new phone. I think I read somewhere that LTE phones require a sim card, and also, LTE is capable of simultaneous voice/data. The stars seem to be aligning.

    The sim slot doesn't prove LTE, if anything it proves international GSM/HSPA roaming.

    bethany hamilton biography. ethany hamilton biography. of surfer Bethany Hamilton
  • ethany hamilton biography. of surfer Bethany Hamilton

  • JohnnyQuest
    Mar 17, 01:20 AM
    He probably did pocket the cash, since he asked if everything was cool when he handed me the bag, that def ran through my mind a few times.



    bethany hamilton biography. ethany hamilton biography. ethany cute Hamilton,; ethany cute Hamilton,. cslewis. Jul 24, 09:35 PM. How about a proto-telepathic interface? :cool:
  • ethany hamilton biography. ethany cute Hamilton,; ethany cute Hamilton,. cslewis. Jul 24, 09:35 PM. How about a proto-telepathic interface? :cool:

  • AppliedVisual
    Oct 18, 07:28 PM
    With the new codecs Sony can barely justify 50GB discs for movie distribution. How in the world can you justify 300GB discs?

    That's easy... The next video format, which is already forming alliances within the industry. Currently known as SuperHD or Super Hi-Vision with 4K and 8K resolutions.

    Or... We can put all 6 Star Wars films on a single disc in full 1080P glory.

    But seriously, the new codecs aren't that magical and even with VC1 or H.264, it's pretty easy to run into a barrier with a 25 to 30 GB disc size. Sony shouldn't have any troubles with fitting films at full quality on a 50GB disc. Also keep in mind that the layer substrate within BluRay is a lot thinner than DVD/HD-DVD discs and they claim that a disc could potentially hold up to 12 layers... Sony has done lab tests and industry demonstrations with prototype 4-layer discs, but the exposure has been very minimal.

    Also Holographic storage is going to be the next form of optical media, almost surely anyway unless something incredible comes out of nowhere. It has a lot of room to grow as a format as well and as capacities increase, we will begin to move from compressed video to uncompressed and/or lossless codecs. So when the 3.6TB holographic storage media hits, we'll be able to put full HD res 1080P24, uncompressed 32bit color transfers of features plus full uncompressed 8 channel audio on a single disc with room to spare.

    HVD or something like it would be keen for an Ultra HD format or a 4k format in 10-15yrs but right now it's a solution to a problem that doesn't exist for movie playback.

    Yep, but I think that day will be here quicker than 10-15 years. While there will be a move to continue to push HD resolutions higher as I mentioned. I think we're going to see an even bigger push to max-out the quality of the image resolution we can deal with now. Current HDTV sets are shipping with the ability to display a full 1080p uncompressed signal. While BluRay and HD-DVD do a fair job of using this ability there's still noticeable compression artifacting and color limitations, black crush, etc.. Just imagine what would be possible with an uncompressed or lossless codec.

    bethany hamilton biography. Bethany Hamilton Celebrities
  • Bethany Hamilton Celebrities

  • Clive At Five
    Oct 19, 01:41 PM
    Have you heard anyone say that they are anxiously anticipating Vista? Microsoft will try to generate some synthetic excitement over Vista, but in reality, hardly anyone will really care.

    I couldn't disagree with you more.

    I've been a Apple-user since infancy, practically, (so don't take me to be a MS fanboy), but I also appreciate PCs. I have a iMac G4 for home and a PC laptop which I used on campus and have continued to use out of college. I recently downloaded and installed Vista RC1, and regardless of its still-beta form, it is surprizingly stable (for basic uses), plus has a gorgeous user-interface (nevermind it's an obvious aqua rip-off). In fact, I'm almost to the point where I want to set Vista as my default OS.

    The point of saying all this is that Vista IS going to be a solid OS* and IS going to be a "threat" to OSX. If anything, I think that hardly anyone cares about OSX. To a lot of people, OSX is something they saw once that looked cool but didn't seem like a relevant option given how they used computers (of course they don't know that they're usually wrong). Now there will be a version of Windows that looks and feels like that other cool thing... which is exactly what they want. Average users aren't analytic about their computer purchases like we are. We know Macs are better because we've studied the options... but MS knows most people won't study. And to those people, Windows Vista is going to be a very alluring option... and will keep them from using those brain cells.

    These people and everyone else who has made the decision to use a PC (myself included) are greatly anticipating Vista's release (or in my case, Vista SP1), and it will be a welcomed addition to the PC-user's home.


    *DISCLAIMER - Vista won't likely be very solid until SP1. Vista is/will be a prime example of bloatware (7.5GB installed) due to its backward compatability and poor overall design. Fortunately for PC users, even the premium hardware demands will be met easily enough by today's CPUs. My laptop (2 years old) cannot run Aero Effects or any other special features of Vista, but still runs very smoothly with the features disabled. And, yes, I've had some blue-screens but that's because I was tampering with drivers and settings... something the average user won't be doing. And again, lastly, I repeat that I use a PC to suppliment my Desktop Mac. My PC Laptop was purchased at a time before Intel Macs were available... nor had any prospect of being able to dual-boot to Windows. It was a near-mandatory OS decision due to specific software needed for college classes... and, yes... LAN party gaming (which IS a college requirement, BTW).

    bethany hamilton biography. ethany hamilton biography. Bethany Hamilton - News - Evri
  • ethany hamilton biography. Bethany Hamilton - News - Evri

  • jhu
    Oct 29, 08:31 PM
    hey, im all for apple not releasing this software to the public.

    Why? it may mean less viruses or hacks.

    security through obscurity doesn't really work as well as its proponents would like to think. take pgp for example. it's completely open. how many cracks have there been for it?

    bethany hamilton biography. ethany hamilton biography. by Bethany Hamilton.
  • ethany hamilton biography. by Bethany Hamilton.

  • dhc
    Sep 12, 02:55 AM
    iPod shuffle discontinued entirely

    I can't see this happening - not without an imediate replacement (though this may be achieved by significantly reducing the cost of the Nano?)

    I've been wrong before though.

    bethany hamilton biography. ethany hamilton biography. story of Bethany Hamilton
  • ethany hamilton biography. story of Bethany Hamilton

  • shen
    Oct 19, 04:50 PM
    I'm sure you could -- go ahead, try me. :)

    With each and every release of a new OS (going back beyond Windows), Microsoft has made hyperbolic claims about how good it was going to be. As anyone who's followed this for a while knows, Microsoft's claims rarely live up to reality. The fact is, a lot of people never even bothered to get onto the XP bandwagon. Do you think they're going to be excited about Vista? Unfortunately for Microsoft, their "good enough" philosophy also works for a lot of their customers. They're used to not being motivated by newer and theoretically better. As you admit, the first version of Vista is going to be a dog, just as the first versions of 95, 98 and XP were. People do learn that the risks can outweigh the benefits. My attitude detector reports that hardly anybody cares about Vista.

    All that being said, Microsoft will sell a zillion copies of Vista. Most of those will be through the OEM pipeline. The OEMs will buy it because they don't have a choice. This is how each and every version of Windows has become a "success." It's Microsoft's dirty little secret.

    vista has zero buzz. i have been in this industry for a little too long, and generally a new win OS creates three specific attitudes in people:

    1) the gamers/geeks "this will be the greatest thing ever! have you seen all the cool (insert useless feature here) and can you imagine what games will be able to do on this thing?!?"

    2) the average person "i don't know, they say it won't crash, and last week i lost everything when (insert virus name here) hit me and this one is supposed to be better about that stuff."

    3) the IT department "we will not be installing any of this platform until it has been tested for compatibility and security for our environment. maybe a year."

    so far on Vista, the gamers have made a few "maybe it will be good" comments. the average joe hasn't said word one. the IT depts i know all have said they won't touch it with a 10 meter cattle prod.

    but we have a 4th user, the MS diehard who is running the beta and RC stuff and keep trying to work up enthusiasm. and nobody cares.

    but as you point out, they WILL sell million of copies. all OEM. if they didn't have their OEM channel so locked down with anti-competative measures, they would have perished after that dog release of windows ME......

    bethany hamilton biography. portray Bethany Hamilton,
  • portray Bethany Hamilton,

  • Mord
    Apr 27, 12:59 PM
    When did I say anything about what people are "entitled" to be???

    You and leekohler have just created a strawman before our very eyes. Very impressive.

    You're basically saying we're not women/men by having such strict and naive definitions of gender, thankfully you're in the minority.

    Why is it so difficult to simply broaden your understanding of what woman/man actually means? If you want to point out that I'm genetically XY like it means a damn be my guest, otherwise your whole viewpoint can get stuffed.

    bethany hamilton biography. Bethany Hamilton is a young
  • Bethany Hamilton is a young

  • Surf Monkey
    Mar 17, 12:50 AM
    Nice. Too bad some kid is going to have $300 docked from his pay...

    bethany hamilton biography. by Bethany Hamilton,
  • by Bethany Hamilton,

  • R.Perez
    Apr 26, 12:07 AM
    There aren't exactly good public restroom options for a transgendered person. I think when it comes to restrooms, you probably should pick the door that reflects the body parts as you have them, not how you want them. Wouldn't these same girls be widely considered justified if this was some skeevy guy in a trench coat?

    Does anyone know if there is an affirmative duty for non-security employees to intervene in fistacuffs.

    (edit) I can't watch the video, but I'll take your word that no one called the police. If so, that may subject the entity to liability for failure to minimally protect customers. The yelling may be despicable, but that won't be enough to subject McDonalds to liability.

    I usually like your posts on here but this one is really coming off as transphobic and frankly makes me really sad to read.

    Sep 12, 08:37 AM
    Paramount should offer on the iTunes store-the Nickelodeon movies will be family friendly and Nicktoons Nwtwork original series-Kappa Mikey could be added.

    Sep 25, 01:50 PM
    Wow! This is VERY cool news! Pretty much everything they have listed as an update, are things I was looking for.....and FREE!!!!! :)

    May 2, 05:35 PM
    Hopefully it'll fix the bug I get when I want to have a song on repeat, seems to ignore the first song played and then it works on the second :(

    You should submit that to Apple here;

    And keep on it everytime there's an update and no resolve. I sent them several feedbacks about Apple Lossless skipping, which they eventually resolved.

    Jan 8, 09:36 PM
    - Thin MacBook
    - 15"/17" MacBook Pro Revisions
    - iPhone Software Update
    - iTunes Rentals, Fox digital copies etc...


    Aug 9, 12:29 PM
    I would love to have an Apple display, but I just can't make myselft spend $700 for a 20". I bought a 19" LCD a few months ago for $139. It's also got a 3 year warranty.

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