Monday, May 30, 2011

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  • Eraserhead
    Apr 25, 04:24 PM
    Dear McDonalds: Boom. You just lost a whole lot of customers.

    Assuming McDonalds deal with it appropriately and fire the workers in question that is a bit of an over-reaction.

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  • MrSmith
    Mar 28, 06:42 PM
    Of course, all the haters will cry foul.
    And of course you fanboy droids will just turn over and cry "Tickle my tummy".

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  • resom
    Apr 6, 07:26 PM
    Crysis 2 on PS3

    and Britney Spears Deluxe CD

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  • relimw
    Sep 25, 02:34 PM
    Look at the new requirements page...

    Apple must have tweaked it VERY much. Will make it available to more people based on the new hardware and expanded video support.

    Even the NVIDIA GeForce FX 5200 Ultra and Intel Mac Mini.
    And it still won't run on my G4 mini :p Well, at least more people will be able to make use of :) And since you didn't ask, yes I use my mini as just a quick check system, which works fine with Lightroom. I suppose since I own Aperture, and this is a free update, I'll try it on my Mac Pro :)


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  • munkery
    Apr 17, 10:13 PM
    GNOME 3 looks like more of an OS X copy than Windows 8

    Gnome desktops always looked more Mac-esque because of the menubar being at the top of the screen. It actually functions a lot differently than OS X despite the similar appearance.

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  • techfreak85
    Apr 21, 11:20 PM
    Is this going to be used ultimately to rate posters (kind of like the Apple site for one example)?

    How is abuse of this going to be addressed?

    If all it�s used for is the post itself, I don�t see any value for this.

    What are MR�s (Arn�s and the other Gods) thoughts on what they want to do with this?

    If it was more of a "thanks" system, I envision that it could show which members have thanked the post and could also show in the user info how many thanks the member has received total.


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  • skellter
    Apr 5, 03:48 PM
    Where can I download this app or whatever it is! :) I really wanna see the iAd stuff.

    quotes and sayings about love and. Quotes And Sayings About Love And Life. quotes about love and life and; quotes about love and life and. faroZ06. Apr 7, 08:54 PM
  • Quotes And Sayings About Love And Life. quotes about love and life and; quotes about love and life and. faroZ06. Apr 7, 08:54 PM

  • arn
    Apr 21, 01:27 PM
    We're making some adjustments to the score display so it's less confusing.

    So people won't see scores jump 2 points, etc...



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  • hazza.jockel
    Nov 16, 09:36 AM
    I bought the normal addition a few days back and have just finished the campaign but also played a few rounds of multiplayer and zombies.

    IMO it is way better then W@W but not better maybe even worse then MW2.
    I think i just prefer modern guns compared to old style weapons.

    The campaign is well thought out and has a good story line. Only down side is a couple of glitches i stumbled upon. For example in the level where you drive the gun boat down the river after i got out the sound of the M60(or whatever machine gun is on the boat) stayed on and was way louder then everything else. Even when i died it stayed on. really frustrating.

    The top-down zombie mode is pure awesome.

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  • twoodcc
    Oct 10, 05:44 PM
    well i hope it's true. i'll believe it when i see it though


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  • eah2119
    Mar 26, 01:46 PM
    Have they thought about including a USB stick in the box as well, for the Macbook Air? I sure would hate to have to buy an external CD drive just to get the new OS on my computer. Will they allow it to be downloaded over the internet?

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  • RawBert
    Apr 29, 01:20 PM
    Damn, I can't wait for the public release of this.


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  • RonD69
    Apr 5, 03:55 PM
    ...but how about confining ads to this app rather than on individual apps. This way it's a conscience decision on the user to go into the ads.

    Just a thought. Now let me wear my rose-colored glasses.

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  • DTphonehome
    Oct 19, 04:00 PM
    Original Investment - $94,070.00 for 11,500 shares

    11,500 x 2 after the split last summer = 23,000 shares

    23,000 x 78.71 at todays rate = $1,810,330.00

    $1,810,330 - $94,070.00 = $1,716,260.00 stock worth.

    I have not sold one share. Now who is laughing. Thank you iPod.

    Damn, man, I'd hate to see your tax bill when you finally sell!

    Anyway, share-dropping is not very gentlemanly, so I'll keep my figures to myself...but at this point I too have to hold back from selling simply to avoid the huge tax hit. Would be nice if Apple issued dividends though, especially now that they're flush. Make some cash without divesting of the principal.


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  • MacsRgr8
    Mar 24, 05:47 PM
    Wow.... X years already!!

    Well done Steve by saving  Computer by evolving NeXTSTEP via Rhapsody and Mac OS X Server 1.x into Mac OS X!!

    Some memories:

    - Steve showing the OS strategy roadmap: Mac OS 8 / 9 vs. Mac OS X
    - "Rhapsody" evolving into Mac OS X DP1
    - Mac OS X DP3 incl. Aqua interface
    - Mac OS X Public Beta "Kodiak"
    - Mac OS X 10.0 "Cheetah"... I got the original CD (yes.. CD..) in Paris, France.
    - Mac OS X 10.1 "Puma" and Office v. X
    - Mac OS X 10.2 "Jaguar" and Photoshop 7
    - Mac OS X 10.3 "Panther" largely regarded as the first real 100% usable version of OS X (not in the least because of app development)
    - Mac OS X 10.4.1 "Tiger" Intel Developer Preview
    - Mac OS X 10.5 "Leopard" Universal stuff
    - Mac OS X 10.6.6 "Snow Leopard" and Mac App Store
    - Mac OS X 10.7 "Lion" and optional Server Install

    I <3  and Mac OS X

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  • psycoswimmer
    Jan 9, 02:58 PM
    Okay. I don't know when the keynote will update but I'll do what I usually do. Now that I already know the products, I'll go to and check the site and then watch the keynote later to see them "in action". This is what I usually do, anyway.


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  • Nekbeth
    Apr 28, 11:42 AM
    No problem wlh99, it's alright. Guys, it turns out that today mmm... how do you say that in English ?? oh yeah, today I'm moving out of my house and I'll be busy most of the day but I hope I can work on that timer later in the afternoon (it's now 11 am here), I'll post it right away.


    wlh99, my e-mail is


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  • miketcool
    Oct 7, 04:26 PM
    For whatever reason, Sprint and Verizon started deploying their 3G networks about three years before T-Mobile and AT&T did. Nothing T-Mobile and AT&T can do about that now, except let Verizon gloat while they continue to try to play catch-up.

    I can speak for T-Mo in that they bought their 3G frequency from that public auction. It took the government almost 2 years to move emergency bands off and allow T-Mo to actually use what they bought. The early adopters had an easier transition.

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  • -aggie-
    Jul 21, 12:10 PM
    The slow pace of messages here shows that this has gone from being important to the masses and the trolls to now be a small problem. Previous threads (those from before the videos and pressconference) added three pages in the time it took to read one, there was just no way to keep up with them. This has still not gotten much over 50.

    It is interesting, but few considers the new iPhone to be broken anymore. No matter what you think of how Jobs handled it, he completely defused a situation that was becoming very hostile. I'm sure this will be taught and dissected at universities for years just as Intels poor handling of PR with the "faulty" processors is taught as the difference between dealing with companies and customers. This was a lesson for all and many key bloggers have already written pieces of how he changed the usual dynamics of apologizing for any perceived issue.

    Exactly. When the usual suspects don't post, the threads that brought up the reception issue totally die.

    Jan 5, 07:59 PM
    I love the idea of a non-spoiling keynote-experience.


    As I can recall, just after the keynote is posted online, there seem to be that much people viewing it that it just becomes worthless to watch. Such as: image hickups, buffering-probs, vid/sound synchronization-probs...

    That is if you even can connect to the stream! Most of the times, the feed just wasn't accessible!

    Don't you guys have that problem over there in the States? Maybe it is because I'm in the EU? It really sucks, I guarantee..

    Last January's MWSF was so annoying - I couldn't pick up a reliable stream until about four days later... :(

    Mar 19, 07:05 PM
    How could you have it for ages? I think this guy is over exaggerating a little too much.

    You are the one exaggerating.

    Of course he didn't mean it literally. You have to get out more if you haven't heard this...

    Aug 7, 04:21 PM
    I might be picking up a new 30" ADC now. :)

    Mar 24, 06:35 PM
    I hate intrude in the birthday party, but if OS X 10.0 can have indicators to which process in open and running in the background (the black triangles in the screen shot) in 2000, then why can't iOS in 2011? :rolleyes:


    Oct 8, 08:28 AM
    i say ban them from life

    nothin' but the chair for these practical jokers.

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